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"Taking back the throne"

Chuk sway his sword and aggressively fighting to General Son and Woo Sung.  "No one can beat me, I forgot to inform you." Chuk said. Woo Sung smirked. "You're wrong! Two head is better than one. We can beat you I swear!" Woo Sung said and sway his sword again. General Son sway his sword and attack Chuk. They're on each other side fighting against Chuk. Il Woo is behind them also fighting against some assassins that trying to block his way. 

General Son finally hit Chuk at his stomach.  Woo Sung take this opportunity to hit him on his back. Woo Sung push the sword inside his back until Chuk spill some blood on his mouth. General Son sway his sword and hit him on his neck. Woo Sung aggressively pull out his sword from him. Chuk spill more blood on his mouth as he fall on the ground. "I told you, no evil can win against the good one. You may take your rest now. "Woo Sung said. 

General Son is breath heavily and tap his shoulder. "Please go to the Crown Prince,  I don't know why I suddenly think my daughter right now. I will go to the King." General Son said. "Arasso General Son." Woo Sung said. 


Tae Pyung and Yu Shin finally confront each other.  He saw his uncle at the Crown Princess' chamber. "Tae Pyung... You're alive..." Yu Shin said. Tae Pyung smirked as he's looking at his uncle. "I can't believe that you can do this to me and to my father. I respected you so much... " Tae Pyung said. Yu Shin let out an evil laugh. "You're easy to sway before that's why I like you. However, you realize how strong and smart you are since the Crown Princess came to your life." Yu Shin said. Tae Pyung look around and notice that Eon Jin is not there. "Where's the Crown Princess? What did you do to her?" He asked.

Yu Shin laugh loudly and get ready his sword. "You and her is destined to be be separate from each other. Just accept the fact that she belongs to someone else. Someone who is so obsessed to her and I think by this time, she's with him now leaving this place and you never see her again." Yu Shin said. Tae Pyung try to control his anxiousness. "No! I will never let that happened... " Tae Pyung shouted. "Just like you, I will never let the both of you live happily together." Yu Shin said.

Yu Shin aggressively attack him. Their sword hit each other sword. Tae Pyung manage to avoid him and fight back. He push him hardly thats what make Yu Shin hit on the wall. Yu Shin smirked as he stand properly and start to attack him again. Tae Pyung sway his sword but Yu Shin manage to avoid him this time. He hit Tae Pyung on his shoulder.

"I told you... You have no match to me... Young Master Lei is also much stronger than you,  my nephew... Did you know that he wants the Crown Princess to be his wife? He has a plan to erase all the memories of the Crown Princess and they will start a new life in a place that too far away from silla." Yu Shin said. Tae Pyung got furious on hearing that. "It can't be... He's crazy..." Tae Pyung said. Yu Shin laugh. "Yes he is.." Yu Shin said.

'I must do this quickly to save my wife...' In his mind. Tae Pyung Jump as he started to attack him. Yu Shin sway his sword and manage to defend himself.

They both startled when an arrow suddenly appear and hit Yu Shin on his thigh. "Go and take this opportunity to kill him." Min Young shouted.

Tae Pyung pointed his sword to his uncle neck. "You must surrender properly,  uncle Yu Shin. I don't want to kill you with my own hands so please let's stop this.." Tae Pyung said. Yu Shin smirked and take his sword but Tae Pyung see it.  He immediately sway his sword and hit his uncle on his chest. The blood spill on his mouth. "The Crown Princess...  I hope you can't save her... I want her to die..." Yu Shin whispered and let out an evil laugh. Tae Pyung anger is getting aroused and he gathered all his strength and hit his uncle one more time on his neck. Yu Shin body fall to the ground. And his blood all over his body.

Woo Sung saw it. He also see how Tae Pyung cries after that. "Abeonim..." He said. He walk towards to Tae Pyung and tap him on his shoulder. "You did the right thing,  Your Royal Highness.." He said. "Anyway, where's the Crown Princess?" Woo Sung asked. Tae Pyung suddenly back to his realization. "I need to save her... I don't know where but I need to save her,  Hyung..." Tae Pyung said.

"Your Royal Highness... You're here..." The Queen Dowager said as she approach him. "Halmeoni.. " He said. Wol Sook look around and look for Eon Jin. "Your Royal Highness... Where's Princess Eon Jin? She told me that she will return here with you.. " Wol Sook said.

Woo Sung and Tae Pyung exchange their gazed and look to Wol Sook. "Did you know where she is?" Tae Pyung asked. "She wrote me a letter and tell me where she going to meet you." Wol Sook said.


At the east side of Silla

Eon Jin is walking at the forest but she ready her sword. She knew that it was risky to meet someone but she have to. She wants to see her husband that's why she take her sword with her for her protection. "Oh!?" She said when she reach the meeting place.

She is on the forest near the dark sea. This area is the boundary between their land from the other. It is called the dark Sea because it is the most dangerous sea that surrounds their land.

She put Tae Pyung's necklace on her neck and hide herself on one of the big trees. "Tae Pyung... I hope my decision was right to go here..." She whispered. She feel her chest suddenly tighten and aching. She look up to the sky and saw the full moon from above. "Not now.. "She whispered.

Minutes has been passed when she feel that there's someone standing behind her. She immediately take her sword she turn around and point her sword to him. "Who are you?" She asked.

Her eyes got widen when she saw a familiar face infront of her. "Young Master Lei...  What are you doing here?" She asked. "How did you know that I'm here?" She asked. Lei let out a small smile. "I saw you going outside the palace that's why I follow you, Your Highness..." He said. Eon Jin gulped because she knew that Lei is always on Prince Yu Shin's side. "Don't worry.. I didn't tell to Prince Yu Shin about this." He said. Eon Jin started to get anxious. Everytime that Lei approach her she feel uncomfortable. "I don't believe you..." She said.

Lei let out a small laugh as he trying to approach her but everytime he take one step, Eon Jin take a step backward. "That's why I really like you,  My Princess... Because you're smart and special..." He said. "But I know your weakness... When it comes to the Crown Prince you forget how to be careful." Lei said. Eon Jin look at him with puzzlement. "What do you mean?" She asked. Lei look at her and then he let out an evil smile.

"No way..." She said. "You're the one who behind this?" She said. Lei stand infront of her. "Yes I Am,  Your Highness... And it's time for you to come with me tonight." Lei said.

"Over my dead body... I can't let you touch me..." Eon Jin said.  She ready her sword and she's willing to fight for her own life. "I want a girl like you, you're feisty..." Lei said. Some men appear and try to approach her but Eon Jin sway her sword and fight them.

Lei is watching and amazed by the Crown Princess movement on handling her sword and her martial arts skills. "You will be mine... I'll make sure that tonight you'll be mine." He said and look at the sky. As she sway her sword she make the assassins fall down to the ground. She stop when she felt a tightening on her chest. And she started to sweat all over her face. "Please not now..." She said as she look up the sky and saw the clouds slowly revealing the full moon.

Lei notice that Eon Jin is slowly became weak and slow in her actions. Then he smirked.

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