Appa's reaction was subdued, his memories clouded by time and uncertainty. "Yeah, she worked in our company years ago," he recalled, his brow furrowed in thought. Y/N's gaze turned to him, seeking reassurance in his words. Joon hyung and Jimin returned with the two captives, prompting me to issue further instructions.

"Jun , do you have a storeroom to put them in? Let’s wait until Jin and Hoseok hyung are here," I directed, my tone firm yet tinged with apprehension. Yoongi hyung emerged from the kitchen, offering us mugs of comfort in the form of coffee for Y/N and chocolate milk for me.

As Y/N hesitated, Yoongi hyung extended his unwavering support, a pillar of strength in our darkest hours. "Y/N, do you wanna speak? I'm here. Maybe after coffee," he offered, his concern palpable. Y/N's response was a testament to her resilience, a quiet determination to face her demons in her own time.

Watching her take a sip of coffee, I felt a surge of gratitude for the unwavering support of our friends and family, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we were never truly alone.

After what felt like an eternity, Jin hyung and Hoseok hyung finally arrived, their presence bringing a sense of relief amidst the tension that hung in the air. As they entered the penthouse, their expressions mirrored our own, a mix of concern and determination etched on their faces.

"Sorry for the delay, everyone," Jin hyung apologized, his voice carrying a note of urgency as he surveyed the room. Hoseok hyung nodded in agreement, his gaze flickering around the room as he took in the gravity of the situation.

With our group now assembled, we wasted no time in confronting the captives, eager to uncover the truth behind the night's events. Making our way to the storeroom where Namjoon had secured them, we found the two assailants bound and guarded, their eyes darting nervously as we approached.

I took a step forward, my voice firm as I addressed them. "Who sent you to kill us? What was your exact motive?" I demanded, my tone leaving no room for evasion or deceit.

The assailants exchanged nervous glances, clearly unsettled by our united front. But after a moment of tense silence, one of them finally spoke, his voice trembling with fear. "We were hired by a woman named Kim Wansun. She offered us a substantial sum to eliminate all of you," he confessed, his words sending a chill down my spine.

My mind raced as I processed the information, the name Kim Wansun triggering a flood of memories and suspicions. "Why would she want us dead? What does she have to gain?" I pressed, my voice tinged with frustration and disbelief.

But before the assailant could respond, Jin hyung stepped forward, his imposing presence commanding attention. "Tell us everything," he demanded, his voice cold and authoritative. "We deserve to know the truth."

As the captives spoke, their words painted a bleak picture of their involvement. "We don't know. She just hired us, that's it," one of them confessed, his voice tinged with desperation. "She said she wants you all dead except the old man."

Jungkook's frustration bubbled to the surface, his muscles tensing with restrained anger. "Let me punch the hell out of you to get the truth," he growled, his eyes flashing with righteous fury.

But Yoongi hyung's calm demeanor prevailed as he interjected, "I'm sure they aren't lying. Have you heard anything else she said or how she looks?"

The other assailant, with dark eyes, spoke up tentatively. "We just met her briefly. She would be in her late 30s or early 40s. She looked around 5'4" tall. That's what I remember. We don't have her number nor her photos," he admitted, his voice laden with resignation.

Hoseok hyung's frustration was palpable as he shook his head in disbelief. "So they are useless," he remarked, his tone laced with disappointment.

The captives pleaded for mercy, their voices trembling with fear. "Sir, please don't kill us. Please let us free. We won't come any closer to you hereafter," they begged, their desperation evident.

Jimin chimed in with a practical suggestion, "Hyung, take them to the police station and use them for some eyewitness account."

With a nod of agreement, Hoseok hyung took charge, his authoritative presence commanding respect. "Okay, guys. I will take it from here. You all go and take rest," he instructed, leading the captives away as we watched them disappear down the hallway. " I will accompany you " Y/N's brother spoke. Hoseok hyung nodded.  They both left with the two assailants.

As the tension eased slightly, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief mingled with lingering apprehension. The threat may have been temporarily neutralized, but the shadow of uncertainty still loomed large over us. We had uncovered one piece of the puzzle, but there were still countless questions left unanswered. And as we retreated to our respective quarters, I couldn't shake the feeling that the night's events were far from over.

Y/N pov

As the night wore on and the adrenaline of the day's events began to fade, the exhaustion weighed heavily upon us. Uncle and Appa made plans to share a room, while Jin oppa offered up another room for anyone who wished to join him to which Yoongi oppa joined him as usual. The rest of us, claiming we weren't sleepy, decided to indulge in some Netflix time.

Huddled together on the couch and on the floor in front of it, we settled in to watch ' Queen of tears ' . Namjoon oppa, Jungkook and me took their places on the couch, while Taehyung , Jun and Jimin sat in front of us.

As the show played on, the comfort of familiarity and the warmth of each other's presence gradually lulled us into a sense of relaxation. But one by one, sleep crept in, claiming its victims. First, Taehyung and Jungkook succumbed to the effects of their medication, drifting off to sleep. Taehyung leaned against my lap, and Jungkook rested his head on Namjoon oppa's shoulder.

I couldn't help but smile as I observed Jimin cuddling into Taehyung's side, seeking comfort even in slumber. Namjoon oppa and Jun , too, showed signs of drowsiness, their eyelids growing heavy.

With a gentle touch, I turned off the TV, not wanting anyone to wake up with a sore neck in the morning. Carefully, I laid Taehyung and Jimin on the floor, covering them with a blanket to keep them warm. Namjoon oppa and Jun was still somewhat awake, so I guided them to Jun's room before returning to attend to Jungkook, tucking him in on the couch with another blanket.

Retreating to the other room, I sat alone, the silence of the night enveloping me. My thoughts raced in all directions, the events of the day replaying in my mind like a broken record. I knew I had to sleep, but the weight of my thoughts seemed insurmountable.

With trembling hands, I reached into my bag and retrieved the tablets, swallowing one dry in an effort to quiet the storm within me. As I lay down on the bed, the softness of the mattress offering some semblance of comfort, I closed my eyes and let sleep claim me, hoping for a reprieve from the turmoil that plagued my mind.

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