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Wang pov

The aftermath of the call with Mr. Jung lingered in the air, heavy with the unsaid and the unknown. As the swarm of reporters dispersed, each retreating back to their realms with the hunger of a story untold, I stood outside the mansion, the silence echoing the chaos that had unfolded within its walls. My mind, a battleground of thoughts and theories, raced to piece together the fragments of the incident, each more puzzling than the last.

Turning back towards the mansion, now a crime scene sealed off from the rest of the world, I couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on my shoulders. The silence of the house mocked us, hiding its secrets behind the yellow tape that screamed "crime scene" louder than any words could.

"Chan," I called out, my voice cutting through the quiet that had settled over the area. "We need to regroup and strategize. There's more to this than meets the eye."Chan nodded, his expression grim, a mirror to my own thoughts.

"Mr. Wang, do you believe there's a chance they've orchestrated this themselves? To throw us off track?" he asked, his voice low, almost hesitant to give voice to the thought.

The possibility had crossed my mind, a scenario among countless others, each weaving a more complex web. "It's a theory we cannot dismiss. But knowing Mr. Jung and his family, it's unlikely. We're missing a piece of this puzzle, and it's not one they hold," I mused, my gaze drifting back to the mansion.

"Let's review the evidence we have so far," I suggested, leading Chan back into the mansion, where the forensic team was meticulously cataloging every detail of the crime scene. The atmosphere inside was somber, the remnants of violence lingering in the air like an unspoken accusation.

As we carefully navigated through the rooms, my mind raced with questions and possibilities. The precision of the attack, the absence of survivors, and the lack of a clear motive puzzled me. "Chan, have you noticed anything out of the ordinary?" I inquired, hoping for a clue that might shed light on the situation.

He paused, his eyes scanning the room before landing on a seemingly insignificant detail—a shattered picture frame lying amidst the debris. "This frame, Mr. Wang," he pointed out, crouching down to examine it. "It's broken, and  the picture inside is missing. "

I joined him, studying the frame carefully. There were more photo frames.  It was a family portrait, the members smiling happily at the camera—a stark contrast to the tragedy that had befallen them. It looked like it was Taken on kim Taehyung's wedding. "This doesn't add up," I murmured, a flicker of suspicion igniting in my mind.

As we continued our investigation, more inconsistencies surfaced—unfired bullets in the magazine, signs of a struggle in certain areas, and traces of a foreign substance near the entry point. Each piece of evidence painted a fragmented picture, leaving us with more questions than answers.

"Could this have been staged? I guess no." Chan pondered aloud, voicing the same doubts that had been nagging at me. "But why? And by whom?"

The possibilities seemed endless, each scenario more convoluted than the last. "We need to delve deeper, Chan," I asserted, my determination to unravel the truth growing stronger with each passing moment. "Check the security footage, interview any witnesses, leave no stone unturned."

As the forensic team meticulously collected evidence and documented their findings, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. "Mr. Wang, what do you make of this?" Chan's voice interrupted my thoughts, drawing my attention to a peculiar mark on the wall—a symbol etched in blood, cryptic and ominous.

My breath caught as I studied the symbol, a sense of foreboding settling over me. "This changes everything," I whispered, my mind racing to decipher its meaning and its connection to the events that had unfolded.

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