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Jay pov

As Mrs.kim  left the office , I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over me like a heavy fog. The gravity of the case we had just been briefed on weighed heavily on my mind, the safety of Mr. Kim and his family resting in our hands.

With a deep breath, I turned to my team, their faces reflecting the same determination and resolve that burned within me. "Alright, team," I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil raging within. "We've got our work cut out for us. Let's start by analyzing the information Mrs.Kim  provided and see if we can piece together the puzzle."

Sung-hoon hyung ever reliable and steadfast, nodded in agreement. "I'll stay with Mr.Kim and keep him safe," he volunteered, his tone resolute. "We need to ensure he's not in any immediate danger while we gather more intel."

I offered him a grateful nod before turning to Kazuha, who was already poring over her notes with a focused intensity. "Kazuha, see if you can dig up any connections between the victims," I instructed, knowing her keen eye for detail would uncover any hidden patterns.

She nodded in acknowledgment, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she delved into her research. Meanwhile, Heeseung hyung wasted no time in pulling up the hospital's security footage, his expertise in technology sure to be an invaluable asset in our investigation.

"Heeseung hyung, focus on identifying the assailant in the footage," I directed, trusting in his ability to unearth any clues that might lead us to the culprit behind the attacks.

As the rest of the team began brainstorming possible motives and avenues of inquiry. Each member brought their own unique skills and perspectives to the table, forming a formidable force against the darkness that threatened to engulf Taehyung and his family.

With a sense of purpose driving us forward, we set out to unravel the mystery that loomed over Seoul, determined to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure the safety of those we had sworn to protect.

And as we embarked on our mission, I knew that no matter what obstacles lay ahead, we would face them head-on, united in our pursuit of truth and justice.

Lucas Wang pov

As Mr.Jung called us to the scene of the accident involving our prime suspect, my pulse quickened with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Taehyung, a man I knew only by reputation, lay injured and vulnerable, and it was our duty to uncover the truth behind what had transpired.

Arriving at the scene, the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles cast an ominous glow over the wreckage, heightening the gravity of the situation.Mr.Jung his demeanor tense as he briefed Bang Chan and me on the details of the incident.

"What do we know about this guy, Bang Chan?" I asked, my voice low with suspicion. Taehyung was our primary suspect in a string of crimes, and I couldn't help but wonder if this accident was just another ploy to elude capture.

Bang chan's response was measured, his expression guarded as he recounted what he knew about Taehyung. "He's a complicated individual," Bang Chan explained, his tone tinged with uncertainty. "But we can't jump to conclusions until we have all the facts."

As I surveyed the scene before me, a nagging suspicion gnawed at the back of my mind. Could Taehyung have orchestrated this accident as a means of escaping justice? It was a possibility we couldn't afford to ignore.

"Is there any evidence that this accident was staged, BangChan?" I pressed, my voice tinged with skepticism. The implications of such a revelation were grave, and I knew that uncovering the truth would be paramount to ensuring justice was served.

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