Elysium: Second System Update

Start from the beginning

Seeing this, Juviel pondered for a bit and couldn't notice any changes in him. But this Soul Mate system was related to the Gacha System, more specifically, the Valkyrie System. However, it was a fact that the Soul Mates would be more reliable then his Valkyries because in essence, they can be trusted fully, and wholeheartedly.

In case of the Valkyries, it is uncertain whether they help you because they want to or because they are afraid of the System. But Soul Mates are completely devoted to helping you, fighting by your side, bed activities and most importantly, they are happy to be of help.

Of course, he didn't forget to check the words in bracket left by the System. He.. He understood why. That's why he didn't comment.

Women tend to be jealous, was all he could say. He found no problems with that of course, it was perfectly reasonable for a woman to be jealous when her man was talking with other women.

But sometimes this jealousy develops into something unhealthy, which wasn't something he liked to see, so he would correct it on the spot if he noticed.

Noticing that his mind started to wander, he pulled back his attention to the screen infront of him that was silently waiting for his response.

"Continue on."

[Conditions have been met,

Congratulations, you have gained the skill 'The Divine Conqueror'.

The Divine Conqueror(Unique Semi-Mythic):
Additional Passive Skill, Yield? Never!(Semi-Mythic): This skill includes numerous terms in which knowing would endanger the User. So in simple terms, this skill:

All spiritual/mental pressure will have 50% less effect on you.

Aeonic Pressure is reduced a bit as well.]

"Hm? Cool name, this skill was gained due to resisting Terminus' Pressure and maybe the Nihility's Banner's Pressure too, aye? This will be a great help in the future."

He didn't ask the System about those terms as he knew the System wouldn't necessarily lie to him. Since it said knowing would threaten his life, chances are likely that it's true. There wasn't a need to risk finding out about those stuff, especially when the world was doomed so he mustn't focus on other things.

He looked at the floating interface, which looked as if it were waiting for his approval and nodded.

[Continuing on..

System has finished updating.

System Upgraded from 2 -> 3

Update results are as follows:

Value System has been changed as it has become difficult to rank the ridiculous bullsht the User kept on getting:

Changes are as follows =

Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Legendary and Mythic.

No more ABC. How are you improving so fast.. Ahem. That ABC value system was for beginners.]

Looking at the screen, he decided not to comment.

"Aye, I'm too good for the System to calculate! What a tragedy!"

He sighed exaggeratedly and acted sad, but had a smug grin on his face. The System felt irked and annoyed so she didn't comment and decided to just increase Juviel's penalty for failing Missions and Quests.

No, that's not enough, I'll make sure to give him an extremely difficult Salvation Mission!

[Author: Moment of silence for Juviel.]

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