Elysium: Unknown World.. Maybe A Dungeon?

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Grabbing his head, he felt light headed and nauseated. He had been right, they truly had been teleported! In fact, it almost seemed as if they were teleported to another world entirely, Fu Hua was fine but he wasn't, noticing how much pain he was in, she used Fenghuan Down to alleviate his pains.

It worked and he immediately straightened himself. Following that, he began to assess their surroundings. They were on a plain filled with yellowish blades of grass at the moment. It seems to be autumn here right now. There were a few smaller forests scattered here and there on the plains, as well as a few short hills.

He could spot bits of black and yellow by the horizon, which appeared to be a mountain range or something. It was just too far away that he wasn’t able to confirm it.

This place looks more normal than I thought.

Juviel heaved a sigh of relief. He had expected to be teleported into a world where Herrschers and all sorts of monsters ran rampant, but it turned out to be not much different from the world outside.

“Hey, got any clue where we are?”

Fu Hua shook her head, she was just as clueless as him. From what she knew, this wasn't supposed to exist in the first place..

“Where should we head to?”

“We’ll head west! West all the way!”

The two of them chatted merrily while heading westward, but all of a sudden, Juviel heard the sharp rustle of the wind. He immediately grabbed Fu Hua's arm and pulled her to the side.

Several yellowish thorns had pierced into the very spot they were standing on earlier. Had they not moved away earlier, the thorns would have penetrated their body, dealing severe damage to them.

“What’s going on?”

Juviel noticed a mouse clicking its teeth in their direction. While it did resemble a rat in terms of appearance, it was massive in size, comparable to a warthog!

“It seems to be a native of this planet, it doesn't seem to be using Honkai Energy, rather it seems to be using a mysterious form of energy.. Interesting, are you going to handle it or should I?”

Juviel thought for a bit upon hearing that and decided to deal with it himself.

“I'll deal with it, it's just a rat anyways. I'm worried that it may cause some scratches on your beautiful skin.”

Fu Hua blushed and looked away in annoyance, he doesn't let go of any opportunities at all!

“Jip jip~ jip jip jip~”

The furious squeaking of the humongous rat sounded. It couldn’t understand how those two could remain calm in its presence and even flirt with one another. It was as if they were treating it to be invisible!

“Fu Hua, this rat seems quite arrogant doesn't it?”

“... I’ve never seen it before, but it doesn’t seem too powerful based on the aura it’s emanating.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

While the rat couldn’t understand what the two were saying, it could still sense the disdain in their eyes. Knowing that it was being looked down upon, it flew into a state of wrath. With loud squeaks, it charged toward the two of them, ready to sink its teeth onto their flesh.

Unfortunately for it, Fu Hua and Juviel were pros amongst pros. As fast as the rat was moving, the two of them were still able to dodge its charge with ease.

“It seems to be at the speed of an olympic athlete.” Based on the rat’s speed and strength, Juviel was able to deduce its rough athletic achievements. If that was all it had, it wouldn’t pose much of a threat to him.

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