Elysium: System Where The F*ck Were You?

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Two days later, Juviel was finally satisfied and decided to stop for the day. 

That was Juviel of course, Fu Hua was embarrassed to death upon recalling what she acted like and fled back into the dorm. 

He found that cute but held himself back from teasing her as she might become even more embarrassed. 

After having received the mysterious silver heart and having ‘fun’ with Fu Hua, Juviel decided to leave the dungeon. The last thing Juviel heard from the System was about some update so he was about to check it when his surroundings suddenly started flashing. 

The System was dumbfounded, 


These were the signs of a Higher Existence coming! No wait, something even stronger! 

An Aeon!!! How come it wasn't in my calculations?


She was genuinely confused, this was because everything that happened so far could be explained somewhat. Even Fu Hua being pulled could be attributed to Juviel's luck. But the sudden appearance of a freaking Aeon!? Of course it wouldn't be included in the calculations!! Furthernore, this was caused by that blue shadow's appearance. 

She couldn't think for too long as Juviel had disappeared, once again. But this time, the System was ready so it went along with him. 

During the teleportation process, Juviel felt as if he was inside a car washer, except instead of the car, it was him. It didn't feel good at all, so this was how cars felt all along.. I understand now, I will treat cars better from now on.

In a place where there was only violet, 

Having gone through some sort of cleansing process, Juviel somehow appeared here, only to half-kneel immediately without understanding why. But he understood a second later, there was a sort of pressure here that made him kneel subconsciously. He didn't want to kneel!! So this was already his best, he even felt an urge to prostrate himself! 

This pressure was even stronger than the one released by the Banner Of Nihility! 

He struggled to move but managed to look forward, the pressure seemed to come from that direction. Only to see an entity that was covered in light violet smoke, the entity was around 20m tall. 

The entity looked blurry and appeared more as a ghost rather than a material existence. Just being near it made Juviel feel uncomfortable, whenever the violet mist made contact with him, he felt his surroundings slow as his body became murky. 

He felt his life flash before his eyes, literally. He saw all the events that occurred to him in the past and even saw a few glimpses of the future! He saw a pink haired girl saying ‘Hi~.’ to him, that hi was without any ill intentions whatsoever, it was so pure. Of course, he didn't know this was from the future so he only thought he was seeing things. Or at best another world. 

Quite a few scenes flashed by and the one that caught his eyes the most was the fight between a black haired man and that pink haired girl. The man used a sword and the girl used a bow. Quite the interesting match, one specialising in CQC and the other in long range combat. 

He was curious as to why there was conflict, afterall that girl was a very polite person in his opinion. But his curiosity didn't last long as he found that black haired dude very familiar. 

Hm, he's very handsome too… Wait! That sword.. The Banner Of Nihility! It looks a bit different too! Wut! Perhaps.. Is that me!? Wait, is that the future!? Wait, why am I losing!? How's she so strong!? Who is this woman!? 

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