Elysium: Hunger Has Been Quenched

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He opened his eyes with extreme difficulty and looked around. The Sun was still up, it seemed he had only slept for a few hours.

He stood up, already feeling the energy gained from the sandwich disappearing into atoms. He staggered towards the traditional Japanese style door and slided it open.

Then from what he had remembered, he started going in the direction of the kitchen. A few minutes later, he stood infront of the fridge. He opened it and saw a lot vegetables, fruits, canned fish, cereal, and milk.

He started drooling at the treasures he had found. He reached towards a banana and grabbed it. Then he took it to the kitchen sink and washed it whilst holding himself back from eating it with the skin on and everything.

Then he peeled it carefully and started gobbling it. Tears started falling from his eyes as he chewed. He had never experienced such happiness from eating a banana.

[Um.. User, Fu Hua is behind you.]

He didn't care, what would she do? Grab his banana? But he still turned around with his mouth filled with banana.

He saw a Fu Hua that was looking at him with an amused expression, well, it quickly turned into shock, she didn't expect him to turn around! So she opened her mouth to explain herself.

"I-I was just here to cook some dumplings!!"

Juviel nodded his head with an expression of understanding whilst eating another banana. She was stunned, why did he look like he hadn't ate in ages?

"Sorry if this sounds rude... But why do you look like you haven't ate in days?"

He finished the banana he was eating and licked his lips before grabbing another banana. Then whilst peeling it, he started speaking,

"Actually, I did eat 1 sandwich this morning. But, I hadn't ate anything else for 3 weeks."

She was about to ask him how 1 sandwich could satisfy him, then she heard the other half. Her eyes widened in pure shock. Holy shit, even homeless people had it better then this guy!!

She became silent as she began regretting asking. She didn't know how to continue with the conversation!!

He saw this and chuckled, then he ate the other banana and grabbed a carrot. Then he started munching on it whilst speaking,

"Make some dumplings for me too."

She was stunned, how could he speak so clearly whilst munching on a carrot!? But she still nodded, she didn't mind making some more for this hungry ghost- err, human.


He thanked her and went towards where the cups were located at. Clear transparent glass cups that had no handles, they were perfectly alright. He grabbed one and walked to the fridge once more. Then he took out the milk and poured some into his cup.

Then he drank it in huge gulps. He finished it within 5 seconds and let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Phew! That was so good! I'm not fully stuffed, but my hunger has been quenched. Which is enough."

He smiled in satisfaction and went to the kitchen sink. Then he washed his hands and mouth with the cold but refreshing tap water.

Then he had a thought, "Hey, System, could you make me a health bar?"

[Nope. It'll come in the next update. Next update requires 1,000,000 Salvation Points!]

He immediately stopped thinking about it. What the hell, he currently had 200,781 Points. If he becomes friends with Fu Hua and makes her his girlfriend, he would get 500k more. Which would make it 700,781 points in total... And 9 Points would be deducted everyday for hiding his Identity.

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