Belly hasn't been feeling well, she only threw up like twice since new years.

I had made a joke that she might be pregnant, which we laughed at.

When I told Belly that me and Garrett are going to the groceries so that she can get some rest, she made a joke about making sure that I get a pregnancy test while I'm there.

When I left, I knew she thought about it.

We still have pregnancy tests in our bathroom... and their haven't expired yet.

When we got back, I heard Belly asked from the bathroom.

"Conrad, is that you?" Garrett instantly smiled as he heard his mother's voice.

"Hey, it's me." I yelled back. Putting the groceries on the table.

"Can you please come here?" I instantly come to her aid with our son in hand. I opened the bathroom door. Belly is sitting on the floor, with tears in her eyes.

I sat down next to her, holding her hand, my face full of concerned. "What's wrong?"

"You remember earlier how we were joking that I might be pregnant because of how nauseous I been?"

I nodded, before she continued. "So after you left I got to thinking about how funny the joke is, I took the first pregnancy test as a joke, but.." she stopped, she put the first pregnancy test in my hand.

I was shocked and excited to see a positive pregnancy test.

"And when I saw that I was got off by that so I took a second one just to make sure, and....."

She put the second and last pregnancy test in her hand.

It was also positive, I couldn't help but smile. "I can't believe this is real?" I said with a smile of happiness.

"Me either." Belly said, and I knew exactly what was going through her mind, so I turned to her and put my hand on her cheek and made her look back at me when she looked away.

"It's going to be okay this time, I just know it. Okay?"

She nodded before softly saying. "Okay."

"Shh." Belly whispered, getting me out of my memory then she said softly and gently. "No one knows that I'm pregnant again."

"I know." I said softly, we agreed to tell our family when I'm almost three months pregnant.

"I just don't know if I can keep this secret for when I start to show." She said.

"That is what sweaters are for my love." I said with a smile, then we kissed. When we pulled apart I looked at our son. "Are you ready to be a big brother."

He smiled and giggled, causing both me and Belly to smile and chuckled.

                                     Belly POV

Conrad was right, it is going to be okay.

But I am afraid that they are getting suspicious, because I keep getting the feel that people are staring at me.

Even though they obviously not, I still feel like that.

A lot of people have left, only Jere, Kendall, their younger brothers, Taylor, Steven and Elle remaining.

Kendall grandparents left after the presents were opened, and Cam Cameron asked Hailey if they wanted to go to get coffee sometime and she said yes.

They are so cute together and I am so happy for them, I really hope they hit it off good.

There was a knock at the door, Kendall got up while saying. "I'll get it."

She went to the door, even though she is far away I saw a familiar face.

I gasped when I realized that it's none other then Lacie Barone and I guy I'm assuming is Kendall ex boyfriend.

The next thing I know is that all three of them came into a screaming match, Mason called her a s***, that got Jeremiah attention.

The kids being put in the bedroom, me and Taylor put them in babies in the crib. And told them that everything will be okay.

We came back downstairs only to see Conrad badly beaten, along with Steven, Jere and Mason who was still fighting the badly wounded men.

While Kendall and Lacie fighting, as Taylor went to help them both, I instantly got my pepper spray that my grandfather agent Jason Rossi Conklin who is a ex FBI agent when I went to Spain.

And I pepper sprayed Mason immediately, and then I kicked him in where his private area, and he instantly went down.

I yelled at Taylor to call the cops and the ambulance.

She did and I went over to where Kendall and Lacie is, I violently pulled Lacie away from her, I violently threw her on my leg where I kicked her with it, then I sprayed her in her eyes.

"Let it be known, if you ever tried to do this again, I will kill you myself." I said to her, because this is beyond crazy, who in their right mind stalked their own sibling and their fiancé even through there is a restraining order against them. Then I kicked her and she instantly left go of Kendall feet. Then Kendall kicked her.

Then she said to her ex sister. "That was for your involvement in our ex relationships."

We then went to our husband/fiancee, holding them close, crying all the way.

Taylor came back, telling them that they will be here as soon as they can, which isn't soon enough until I heard the sirens, while we were waiting I asked my mom, dad and Mss. Jewel to get the kids.

They got them while they were waiting. I saw telling Taylor crying which was make  sense because we are all crying and it's not the time for that.

They are three ambulance, each of them went with them. I obviously went with Conrad, Kendall went with Jere and Taylor went with Steven.

We are all super scared and stressed right now, I really hope Conrad, the guys and the baby is okay.

I really really really hope that, and I hope they go to jail for this.

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