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Minho x Jeongin

Description: Minho likes Jeongin, but it seems like the younger likes someone else. Jisung advises Minho to confess regardless.

"Aren't you the cutest here" Changbin exclaimed pinching Jeongin's cheeks.

"Hyung stop." The younger whined, but he was smiling.

"But you are so cute." Changbin added.

Chan and Minho just stood next to the counter, watching the two younger guys play around. Chan then suddenly walked to the kitchen and Minho followed him.

"Why did you leave hyung?" Minho asked.

"I need to cook dinner for all of you." Chan said.

"We still have lots of time. Now will you tell me the real reason?" The younger asked.

"I can't stand it anymore." Chan sighs.

"You can't stand what?" Minho was confused.

"I can't watch him act like this. Ever since I realised I like him, it's impossible." The older admitted.

"He wasn't doing anything though." Minho answered, he already knew about the older's crush.

"Minho, he is pretty warm with everyone, but Jeongin, he is another story." Chan said.

"You think... he likes Jeongin?" Minho questioned.

"I am pretty sure, he is always talking about the youngest, how cute he is and how much he loves him." Chan explained.

"Oh.. I'm sorry." Minho patted the older's back.

"Not your fault." Chan said. "I mean it seems like Jeongin likes him back so at least that."

"Yeah that's good." The younger answered.

"Is there something bothering you too? You seem kind of sad." The leader asked.

"No, don't worry." Minho forced a smile.

"I actually don't want to cook. You think we can order in?" Chan turned to Minho.

"Yeah. I can go out to grab it, I like fresh air at this time." Minho said and they left the kitchen.

"Hey guys, what do you want to eat, we are ordering in." Chan asked.

"Can we get pizza hyung?" Jeongin asked with puppy eyes.

"If you all want." Chan smiled.

"Hyung?" Jeongin turned to Changbin.

"If you want, then I want too." Changbin smiled.

Then Jeongin looked up to Minho, whose heart skipped a beat at those eyes. He was mesmerised by the view.

"I am fine with whatever." He answered.

They heard the door open and the 00 line came in all together. They had just finished a shoot together.

"Hey, we are ordering pizza, you want that or something else?" Chan turned to them.

"Pizza is perfect." Felix smiled and the other nodded in agreement.

"Pizza it is then." Chan said.

"Yay!" Jeongin exclaimed.

"Hyung, will you please help me with something. It's about one of the songs." Jisung asked Chan.

"Of course. Wait Minho do you mind taking someone else with you?" Chan asked the younger.

"Don't worry, go." Minho smiled. "But before that everyone text me the pizza you want so I have it all on my phone."

Stray kids one-shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن