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Chan x Jeongin

Description: Jeongin did a mistake and kept feeling guilty and sorry for the members, but Chan was there to comfort him.

Jeongin was in the room backstage alone. He kept thinking about the voice crack he had during the performance.

It was eating him alive. The fact that the performance was amazing, but they got last place was probably because of his voice crack.

He was almost crying when he heard the door open. The leader walked in not knowing someone was there.

"Innie?" Chan asked when he noticed the younger.

"Hey hyung."Jeongin said lowly.

"What's wrong?" Chan asked immediately noticing there was something going on.

"I just did an awful job." Jeongin sighs.

"When?" The older asked.

"As a whole. It was my worst performance." The maknae said.

"Don't say that. You did great." Chan answered.

Chan felt bad and hugged the younger. He knew Jeongin felt like it was all his fault that they dropped in ranking.

"When did you get so big? I can't even hug you now." Chan said.

Jeongin just let out a small chuckle hugging back. He felt safe in the older's arms and he was feeling a little better.

"You will do better next time." The leader reassured.

"Yes." Jeongin sighs.

"Don't worry. I did mistakes too. Lots of mistakes." Chan chuckled comforting the younger.

Both guys made their way to the other room where they had to give one last interview before going home.

Even if Jeongin wasn't feeling his best, during the interview the members praised him a lot. They said he practiced hard, did a good job and told him he was amazing and cool.

They all knew how hard he worked and how much effort he put in that performance. No one blamed him for the mistake or the fall in ranking and their objective was to make Jeongin be proud of his hard work and not blame himself.

It didn't take long before they finished and went back to their dorm. The guys decided to chill in the living room, watching a movie since from the next day they had to work hard again.

As everyone was relaxing in the living room, Jeongin was in the kitchen alone. He was sat down on the table thinking.

At one point he started crying. He didn't want the others to see him, that's why he stayed in the kitchen, but soon enough the members noticed.

They all went to the kitchen to check on him, but found him crying there alone. Chan then went to the younger and took him to the room as the others went back to the living room knowing the leader would handle it.

Jeongin continued to cry as Chan was soothingly rubbing his back. He knew sometimes these things hit hard, so it's better that Jeongin was letting it out.

Especially since the younger had a habit of not wanting the olders to see him like that. He didn't want to seem weak in front of the members, but at times like these it was hard.

"I'm sorry hyung." He sobbed.

"Don't be." Chan answered.

"It's all my fault." He said. "If it wasn't for me.."

"Don't say that. Nothing is your fault." Chan reassured.

Jeongin continued to cry for a while more. He was letting out all his frustration and sadness.

When he finally stopped he snuggled up to Chan. The older kissed his head in response, wrapping his arms around the younger.

In a matter of minutes Jeongin was fast asleep in the leader's arms. Chan slowly tucked the younger in bed, making sure not to wake him up as he left the room.

"How is he?" Jisung asked as soon as Chan entered the living room.

"He thinks it's all his fault that we dropped in ranking." Chan sighs.

"It was a small mistake. We all make mistakes." Felix continued.

"I know, but he felt frustrated. He didn't get to show his full potential." Chan answers.

"It's fine. He will get to show his potential next time. It's not the end of the world." Minho said.

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