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Description: Jeongin has never been the type for physical touch so Seungmin decided to leave him alone.

"Hyung stop." Jeongin whined as Seungmin was hugging him again. "Can't you stop bothering me."

Even though Jeongin was always against physical touch, Seungmin felt hurt by the last words.

"Yea, sorry." He gave an apologetic smile and then left the kitchen to go to the living room.

He sat down on a sofa and took out his phone scrolling through different apps trying not to be too sad about what happened. He knew Jeongin didn't like it so who was he to be hurt about what the younger had said.

Almost an hour had passed when Jisung went to the living room to call Seungmin and Felix that was sleeping on the couch.

"Come eat dinner guys, Jeongin cooked for us, while Minho hyung helped, so the house wasn't gonna catch fire." Jisung explained quickly.

Seungmin heard it but Felix was still sleeping so Jisung needed to go there and tap the other on the shoulder.

"Lixie baby, it's dinner time." The older said softly as Felix opened his eyes slowly.

"It's dinner time already?" He asked as he started getting up.

"Yeah let's go, Innie made dinner." Jisung replied as he grabbed Felix's hand and they went to the kitchen, Seungmin following after smiling at the two.

As he was walking to the table Jeongin was returning from his bedroom where he went to change. He saw Seungmin and smiled at him. Seungmin went to hug him, but then remembered the events the occurred that day so he stopped and just smiled back and going to his seat.

Jeongin was confused at the older's behavior but didn't question it and sat down in between Seungmin and Hyunjin. After they finished dinner they started complimenting the youngest.

"Aren't you just the sweetest, even cooking for us." Hyunjin started squishing the younger's cheeks. Jeongin just smiled.

"It was delicious." Seungmin said without touching the other any way which the members found strange. Seungmin who was always attached to the youngest. But at the same time he complimented the younger so it's not like they had a fight.

After a bit of time they started getting up to go to sleep and Jeongin and Seungmin were roommates, so they left together making small talk.

They got ready for bed and each of them laid on their beds. It has been a while since that happened cause Seungmin had been asking the younger to cuddle to sleep these last few weeks, the reason being the older had been feeling down these days, but he didn't want to worry the others so he just kept it inside and it made it hard for him to fall asleep alone.

Jeongin was in fact waiting for the older to ask him and he really wondered if something happened to the other.

"Hyung?" Jeongin spoke.

"Yeah?" The other answered.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yea, why?" Seungmin asked.

"I was just wondering, you know it's been a while since we slept like this." Jeongin said.

"Oh yeah don't worry about it, I won't ask you again." Seungmin answered.

"Oh.." The younger said a bit disappointed at that.

They both tried to sleep, but neither of them could. Jeongin was just thinking about how lonely it actually felt to sleep without his hyung. It had been around an hour and Jeongin still couldn't sleep. He had been hearing the other one shuffling in his bed for a lot of time now, so he knew he was awake.

"Hey hyung, you can't sleep?" The younger questioned.

"Oh sorry did I wake you up?" Seungmin sat up and apologised to the other.

"Not at all, but are you feeling down again?" Jeongin asked.

"Oh..yeah a little, but don't worry about it." By now Jeongin also had gotten up.

"Why didn't you ask me to cuddle with you tonight?"

"I will be able to sleep somehow and I felt like I annoyed you enough with that request." Seungmin explained looking down.

"Annoyed me?" The other was confused.

"Yeah I know you don't like physical touch, it must have bothered you a lot." The older said with an apologetic smile. At that moment Jeongin remembered what happened that day and the words he said.

"Oh hyung" he laughed a bit "I don't really mind it if it's you and I got used to it so I couldn't sleep as well. I said that today because I was trying to cook." Jeongin said.

"You really don't mind it?" Seungmin asked.

"Not one bit." The other smiled as he raised the blanket and patted the space next to him.
The older smiled as he got up and went to the other's bed. The cuddled for a bit before both of them fell asleep.

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