Minho x skz

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(Wholesome Minchan and 2min moments)

Description: Minho was hurt by a comment during a live, but he didn't want to worry anyone so he tried to act unbothered.

"I'm mean..?" Minho read out loud through the comments.

He wasn't supposed to say it. But it kinda hurt him.

"You have a bad personality." He laughed a bit awkwardly. "That was too mean I'm leaving."

He looked at the camera, a small smile still on his lips. "I'm not hurt I really have to leave, it was all planned."

You could see it in his eyes that he was very much hurt, but he tried not to show it to STAY.

"It might seem sudden but I really have to go, it was all planned. Bye bye." He ended the live.

"Are you okay?" The staff asked.

"Yeah yeah I really am." Minho smiled and let out a sigh when the staff walked outside.

He then decided to go to the apartment, even if he was sure the boys would be a little worried, he really shouldn't have read that out loud.

As soon as he enters the apartment Changbin, Jisung and Felix are at the door.

"Hyung are you okay?" Felix was the first to speak worry written all over his face.

"Yeah don't worry." A small smile made its way to Minho's lips.

"You know we are here if you want to talk." Changbin said while putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I know, thank you, but I really am okay." He smiled more which seemed to relax the 3 boys. They didn't really notice his sad eyes.

They entered and Minho made his way to his bedroom and stopped in front of the door.

"Guys I am tired from practice so I will sleep a little before dinner." Minho said as he heard an 'okay' from the living room.

He entered his and Chan's shared bedroom and was really relieved when he noticed the older wasn't there. He sat in his own bed and snuggled under the sheets, still trying to hold back tears.
After a few moments he heard the door open.

"I said I will sleep before dinner." He turned around only to see Chan standing at the door.

Chan just smiled a little as he entered and closed the door. He sat on the younger's bed and stared at him.

"Why are you not crying?" Chan asked. Minho was confused.

"Why would you want me to cry?" He chuckled a little. The other just shrugged and continued to look at him.

"You know, about what happened.." Chan trailed off.

"That is not something to cry about. I kinda am mean and my personality isn't good either." The younger shrugged "I am very aware of that, so why should I feel bad or cry about it." Minho tried to convince himself too.

"You know you are hurt, you just don't want to admit it." Chan said his eyes looking directly into Minho's "It's okay to cry and to feel bad about those words, your human."

Even if Minho's eyes were starting to get watery he still didn't want to cry, so he turned the other way.

"Why would I feel bad, I just want to sleep, I'm tired." He said.

"Minho, you are not mean, you care about all of us and you are very warm hearted, you just show it differently." Chan said stroking his hair.

Minho's tears started to drop down his face. Those words made him feel better, but at the same time, they made him realise that he did in fact feel hurt about what the 'fans' had said, he did have feelings and he did want to cry.

He hid his face with his hands as he tried not to sob, he really didn't want Chan to see him like that, he was supposed to be the strong one.

"You can cry as much as you want, you will feel better later." Chan said as he laid down next to the younger wrapping his arms around the other.

"I shouldn't cry though." Minho said through sniffles.

"Oh baby, just cry all you want, I am not here to judge you." Chan answered.

Even if he wanted to stop, Minho couldn't so he just cried. His back was against Chan's chest and he didn't turn around not wanting to be seen in this vulnerable state. Minho eventually fell asleep.

He was woken up an hour later by Chan telling him it was time for dinner. He quickly went to the bathroom to wash his face and luckily he didn't seem like he had cried.

Around the table everyone was joking and no one mentioned what had happened. Minho was thankful for that.

"If it's not me who is your favourite hyung?" Changbin said jokingly glaring at Seungmin.

"Well if I had to choose between you and the others I would definitely choose Minho hyung." Seungmin stuck his tongue out to Changbin.

"Hey what about me?" Chan asked.

"You are second favourite." Seungmin said giggling.

"Why me?" Minho asks confused.

"You are just... you. I like you just like that." Seungmin said and everyone started laughing.

"Me too hyung." Jisung said.

"Me three." Felix laughed a little as he raised his hand.

"Hey I like Minho hyung too." Jeongin said too.

Minho just smiled and it made him really happy to think he was at least liked from the group. But little did he know he was everyone's comfort place and reliable friend and that every real STAY out there loved him.

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