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Felix x Minho

Description: Everyone has a soft spot for Felix, but Minho seems to be the kindest with him.
Minho turns around annoyed at whoever was touching him, but his face softened immediately when he saw Felix.

The younger continued whatever he was trying to do with Minho's arm and it only brought a tiny smile on the older's face.

"I told you only Felix can do it." Hyunjin said to Jeongin.

"Of course only he can, Minho hyung never says anything to him." The younger replied.

Felix looked at them and smirked as he placed Minho's arm around his shoulder and stuck his tongue out.

"Well hyung likes me, but he doesn't like you." He said in a sassy tone and Minho smiled more.

"Yongbokie is right." Minho added and the others just scoffed at him.

"We didn't have any doubts." Seungmin said rolling his eyes.

"I mean everyone loves Felix." Chan said.

"He is too cute to not like him." Jisung said staring at the pair.

"I mean yeah, but doesn't he get too much of a special treatment from Minho hyung, I always need to watch out about what I say or do around him while Lixie can do anything." Hyunjin says.

"You just have to be adorable like me." Felix says and all of them laugh together.

"Let's go get something to drink." Minho says to the sunshine next to him.

"Oh I just want some water, I am on a diet right now." Felix answers.

"I'm not having any of that." The older replies "You didn't eat dinner yesterday or breakfast this morning so you are gonna at least get something to drink before I force you."

"But I-"

"No buts, let's go." And with that the pair starts walking away.

"If I were on a diet he would just tease me every time I eat, even if I ate one meal a day." Hyunjin sighs dramatically.

"That's not true he always takes care of you guys, he just doesn't like to make it obvious." Chan says.

"Yeah, you are right." Jeongin says.


"I told you I don't want to eat." Felix said again.

"And I told you I am gonna force you if I need to." Minho answered as he put the bowl of ramen in front of the younger.

"But I am on a diet." Felix replied a bit sad.

"You don't need to starve yourself Lixie." Minho added with a soft tone "If you think you are fat what are we others supposed to think about ourselves."

"But you guys look so good, I don't." Felix said exposing his insecurities without thinking.

"You look amazing." The older patted his head "And STAY feel bad seeing you like this, how would you feel if any of us or STAY did that?"

"I would feel bad..." The other mumbled, staring at the food in front of him.

"Right? Now let's eat." Minho smiled and turned his attention to the food.

Minho didn't start eating until he saw Felix grab his chopsticks and start. They ate while talking about different things, after a bit a comfortable silence fell and they just enjoyed being together.

"Thank you hyung." Felix smiled and Minho almost died right then and there.

"There is nothing to thank me for." The older responded as he gathered the dishes.

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