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Woo Sung wipe Su Jin's face with towel. "Please... Open your eyes... I want to see your smile again, My Lady..." He whispered and kiss her hand.


Eon Jin walking back and forth to her chamber while Wol Sook is watching her. "Your Highness... Please take your sit now, you will get tired if you continue on doing that. Please relax." Wol Sook said. "How can I relax when I know Su Jin needs my help but I can't help her." Eon Jin said. "But Your Highness... You can help her when your body gets fully recover. Wol Sook said. Eon Jin stop and look at her. "I know but...  Did you see her? She's still unconscious and I'm so worried that might something happen while waiting for my body to recover. Aishh! This is so frustrating..." Eon Jin said. Wol Sook didn't speak but she got her point.

'I need to find a way to help her...' In her mind.

Tae Pyung went to Physician Kwon to ask about it. "She can't use her power when her body still recovering from a sickness,  Your Royal Highness." Physician Kwon said. "What will happened to her if she does? Princess Eon Jin didn't want to tell me what will be the effect on her if she use her power while her body is still  recovering." Tae Pyung said. "We all knew her, she's so stubborn and sometimes she didn't listen to our advice especially when someone needs her help." He added.

Physician Kwon let out a deep sigh. "It will be dangerous for her if she insist it. The Crown Princess knew the consequences when she abuse her power." Physician Kwon said. "She will be paralyzed or worst, she couldnt wake up after that. Please Your Royal Highness... Tell the Crown Princess to not sacrifice her health for Lady Su Jin. She can heal her when her body gets fully recover." Physician Kwon said. "How about the Calia flower?" Tae Pyung asked. "The flower won't help her to restore her health and strength by the time she use her power while her body is still recovering from the sickness,  Your Royal Highness." Physician Kwon said. 

Tae Pyung gets worried for Eon Jin and at the same time for Su Jin.

On the other hand, Woo Sung still on Su Jin's chamber. He didn't leave her alone and he still holding her hands. "Woo Sung..." Su Jin called while she's still unconscious. Woo Sung kiss her hand and caress her face. "I'm here... Waiting for you to open your eyes, Su Jin..." He whispered. He continue to wipe her sweat with a towel while his hand is still holding her hand.


"Yah! Your Highness... Are you still reading? It's late you need to go back now for you to rest." Wol Sook said. They're on the library because Eon Jin told her that she wants to read some books before she sleep. "I will finish this first, Wol Sook." Eon Jin said. "By the way, can you go to Prince Alkong and check on him. And if you see the Crown Prince,  tell him that I'm on Prince Alkong's quarter." Eon Jin said.
"Arasso..." Wol Sook said but she stop from leaving when she realize Eon Jin's last words. "But Your Highness... You're here at the library..." Wol Sook said. Eon Jin gulped return her eyes on the book. "I know... But don't tell him that Im still here..." She said. "He will scold me for sure because I didn't sleep early." She said. Wol Sook tilt her head a bit. "I'll take my leave now,  Your Highness... I will be back soon." She said. Eon Jin wave as she smile.


"Man Bok..." Tae Pyung called. Man Bok immediately approach him. "Yes,  Your Royal Highness..." He said. "Where's Princess Eon Jin? You told me that she's on her way here in my quarters." He asked. "I saw them earlier walking towards here so I assume that they're here already." Man Bok replied.

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