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Nat's POV:

The next day, we're driving through the city trying to find the 'Bei Gaston' (At Gaston's) Food Truck and we found 2 of 'em before lunch.

"Are you sure of your friend's text, darling? 'Cause my truck got a lot of customers and for a facade, they're rolling." Y/N speaks up, clearly bored.

"I am sure of it. On my side, the truck has fewer customers, and some of 'em are paying cash, a lot of them actually. They also give them a ton of those small ketchup bags in exchange." I explain.

As I say this, the perfect example of what I just described happening before my eyes.

A man handed at least 300$ cash and received 2 hot-dogs and 15 mini ketchup bags. If that's not hella suspicious, I don't know what is.

"Is the ketchup a metaphor I don't un-" Sam starts.

"No they're literally small bags of ketchup." I insist.

"Girls. I got another. Do I keep searching or spy on this one?" Bird man asks.

"Go on, Anderson'll get to it." I decide.

"Scratch that. Discreetly install Red Wing in the car and continue your researches in the air." Y/N redirects our teammate. "My hamburger buddy is on a phone call and he's starting to shit in his pants, I can feel it. I'm invested now."

"Do I ever tell you how smart you are?" I ask rhetorically to my girlfriend. "'Cause you're a genius."

"Feels good coming from the mastermind herself." She replies lovingly.

I can't contain a smile as my heart gives a little flutter at the words.

"I'm forced to hear cheesy things like those, and the team won't even believe me when I tell 'em. You 2 know that, right?" Sam complains lightly.

"Don't worry. We are very aware." I confirm.

"That's hell."

"You're welcome babes."

We wait for the trucks to move all day and that finally happens, around 7 PM.

"Guys, mine's not moving. Do I follow the drone's one or wait?"

"Don't worry, girl. I got it." Wilson brushes off.

Our 3 filatures end up leading by to the same place. An old, seemingly abandoned hangar at the border of the city.

Sam and I start taking notes on it so we can get in tomorrow morning.

20 minutes later, Y/N's pretty voice, which hadn't been on the comms for a while pops back on, to my personal delight.

"Holy shit!" She beams, starting to laugh. "I can't believe it! I got him! I got Rumlow!"

Fuck yes!

"Good job. I'm heading your way. Falcon, you keep taking notes on the place. Find out what they're making and tell us as fast as you can." I request.

"Copy that."

I hop back on my engine and race to my partner's location.

We manage to follow them to a quite prestigious hotel at the other end of Brussels.

"What do we do? It's not like we can wait 'til tomorrow for this. What if he moves? Or already has the weapon?" Y/N panics slightly.

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