Three Little Words

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Y/N's POV:

As Nat's attention is forced on her phone, I can't help but feel bad, even with her reassurances. I mean, we finally get back together and the very night it happens, I wake her up with more of my problems.

I've discovered so much within the last few days, it's like even my nightmares aren't able to choose what they should torment me about. Bucky, the literal torture, HYDRA's power over me, my actions, my powers, my family...feels like it's endless.

The worst thing of all is that I don't feel guilty about most of these actions. For the simple reason that I don't remember doing these things, in fact I don't know about most of them. But how can't you regret such things!? What monster forgets their victims like they meant nothing to them!?

"Y/N. Are you okay? Hey! Hey! It's okay." Nat suddenly brings me back into reality by carefully wiping a tear I hadn't even noticed was falling. She then gives me a sad, compassionate smile.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I brush off wiping my eyes to make sure no droplets are falling. "Umm... who called?" I rapidly change the subject.

She sighs. "It was Maria." Why would Hill call in the middle of the night. "The government wants the 4 of us to justify our actions on Capitol Hill, in 2 days, well technically 1." This answers my question. I don't like the answer, but it's better than nothing, I suppose.

"They do realize it's like our second or third back and forth between New York and D.C. in the last week? Couldn't they have given us a break?" I complain with a light tone, making the woman smile a bit.

"I wish. The only ones already there aren't coming, that's unfair." Nat chimes in, coming to my side of the counter to rest her head on my shoulder.

"Wait is this true? The boys aren't on the run. Why are we the ones to get the task to explain the whole shit to dumb old men?" A small yet melodious laugh escapes her lips.

"Steve's probably still quite beaten up and he may be talented at the whole speech thing, but making sure people enjoy the version of the story we ended with is more my thing." She explains, making a fair point. I don't see Steve avoiding tricky questions in a room full of people, where I'm sure Nat can.

"What about 'Falcon'" I ask taking a deep voice to be more dramatic when talking about my friend with his superhero name.

"As for Sam, he's no interest to them if Steve isn't with him. I mean the public doesn't know him, it'll be harder to shift the blame on him." I can't help but start laughing.

"Poor Sam." I mumble. It's like saying he isn't so important because he only saved the world once. How many times did these assholes save it?

After some time Nat and I decide that we won't go back to sleep and start packing now. I stack a lot of clothes since I don't know when I'll be back.

Meanwhile, Nat does her own stuff, she seems to be making a few calls about a file she could get from Ukraine, but I didn't oversee more.

When we're ready we search for our cars that had both been towed for being left in random public parkings for so long.

We manage to find them, bring mine back to my house, so a friend can take care of all my things while I'm gone and leave in Nat's car.

For now aiming any store where Nat can get clothes she likes because all of hers were lost when we basically blew up S.H.I.E.L.D. So we're making a few stops, but in the end we're approaching the capital within a nice amount of time.

On the way, she made me practice the kind of questions I'll have to answer. She assured me she'd take care of all the questions that aren't concerning me specifically, but even then, I'm scared I'll fuck up.

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