Ice Skating

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Nat's POV:

"How did your parents become so rich anyway?" I ask to make conversation while we get down the stairs, towards the kitchen.

"Umm, for starters my mother's parents had money, a lot of it, I don't know how they got it, but they had it. When they passed away, they preferred to give everything to my mother than have Mathieu have some. I suppose his morals didn't align with theirs, I couldn't tell, I've never met them." She replies trying to recall everything she's been told about that and make an opinion of her own.

I nod slowly. "What about your father?" I say as we head to the left, opposite from the entrance.

"Well he created his own company 35 years ago and it's now one of the biggest in Canada, If not all North America." Damn. "It's not really good for the environment, but who gives a shit about that anyways?" She adds sarcastically. She's Doesn't seem proud to be their daughter, at all, it makes more sense why she never talks about them.

This little story finishes right as she lets go of my hand, in font of a double sided metal door. "So that's the kitchen's behind those doors?" She hums in approval.

"Ready?" Why would I need to be ready? She doesn't even wait for my response. "Okay, let's go!"

Right as we're through the door, we're met with a huge kitchen, like fancy restaurant size kitchen and in it, there's 8 cooks, all looking at us.


"Mini Anderson!"

"Little chef!"

Are all things that can be heard as soon as they see her. The head of the cooks -or at least she looks like she is- comes to us and hugs my woman. George literally told everyone you were back for a few days. Good to see you." She says pulling away and tapping her shoulder. "And who might that be?" The woman then asks, looking my way with her arms crossed.

"This is my magnificent girlfriend, Natasha. Babe, this is the cooking crew, a.k.a. the ones who thought me everything, culinary speaking." She makes presentations.

"You guys must be masters if you learned to this woman!" I compliment, I mean, I haven't tasted any meal as delicious as Y/N's, can you imagine theirs?

"Thank you!" The woman says smiling and uncrossing her arms, looking way more welcoming now. "But can we backtrack for a second? 'Babe'? Why didn't George tell us about this? Since when has this been going on?"

Y/N looks at me completely clueless on how to answer that. "We've known each other for roughly 4 years, but we've been together for a total of 6 months." I voice in a way that doesn't require any explaining the on and off we've been through.

"Damn. So you were 'just friends' for an eternity and then traveled together, basically moving in together? You 2 love the lesbian stereotype. I'm happy for you!" She says, sincerely.

Y/N's POV:

We've stayed with the cooking crew for an hour or so, they thought Nat a few tricks -which she desperately needed- and asked her some questions and asked her if she had allergies or else for tonight's food. Though the most impressive thing was definitely Nat teaching them knife tricks. It was also really hot, but I gotta leave these thoughts for later.

We're now out of the main building, taking a walk. "What do you wanna do 'til this evening?" I ask her.

"We'll I kind of really wanted to do ice skating or horse riding, but teasing Clint with a highly Sophisticated archery place also sounds really cool!" She confesses with that mischievous little smirk.

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