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Y/N's POV:

We start waiting for Nat and Clint's come back in silence as I think about what I've just been told.

I have been kidnapped for 10 years of my life, getting tested on like a lab rat and remember nothing of it. All that for an organization that doesn't trust humanity with its own freedom. To some people in this world, I'm just a mindless soldier.

"You know, she used to talk about you non-stop." The Cap suddenly speaks up.


"Natasha. In the first months after your break up, if she wasn't talking about work, the subject was you. One day, Clint mentioned, for at least the hundredth time, to give you a call. That day, she snapped and stormed off, I never got to see the way her eyes shine at the mention of your name again, until now." He explains further.

"Are you telling me she still has feelings for me?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. I'm quite curious of what the man noticed.

He raises his hands in fake surrender "I'm not the one with feeling powers! But I can affirm you that she looks happier with you around." He encourages.

I give the man half a smile. "Thinking about it, she kind of looks like the woman I first met. Obsessed with her work and quite unreadable." I say basically confessing to him that I'm not able to get a read on Natasha, never completely was.

She's the most complex human being I've ever seen. Yet, she's the best one I've had the chance to meet, without a doubt.

"Well you managed to get with the woman you first met, right?" The old guy jokes, making me chuckle. If only he knew the whole process...Though, I'll do it again for the woman I love, in a heartbeat.

"I don't know if we're both ready, I just discovered some heavy stuff and she probably wants me to crawl for forgiveness or something. Plus, there's this whole thing going on." I tell Steve, knowing that, the chances are that my deal with Nat won't work.

"You'll never know if you don't take a chance." He concludes. "And about what you just found out, are you okay? That's a lot to take in." The man changes subject.

"No it's fine. I kind of already knew I was kidnapped." I brush off, smiling.

"Suspecting it is a thing. Getting it rubbed in your face is another." He disagrees, making me think about it some more.

If I went missing for 10 years, that means my parents knew about it, and they covered this organization the whole time. It means I may as well know nothing about my life, again. But in another way, a worse one.

"Y/N!" The raspy voice of Natasha pulls me out of my thoughts. I didn't even notice she was back. "Are you okay?" I nod lightly and lean forward to start the engine, but Nat pulls me back in my seat. Her movement was a bit too harsh, but a softness I hadn't seen in her eyes for so long tells me she isn't really angry. "Don't lie to me." She demands with her hand still on my shoulder.

I sigh. "We'll save S.H.I.E.L.D. and see about my problems afterwards." I answer and though reluctantly, she seems satisfied by my response, because she lets go of me.

I start the car and just before I ask our destination the Cap speaks "Clint isn't coming with us?" I hadn't noticed Clint's absence until he mentioned it. I really need to get my mind back on track.

"No, he has stuff to solve here." Nat answers Rogers.

We end up doing a quick stop to my house, getting Nat and I some of my clothes. Since we're going undercover, Steve needs a new outfit too. He got a set of clothes Bill forgot here on a night he was too drunk to drive himself home. Poor soldier seemed so squeezed in them.

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