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Y/N's POV:

I knock out the target with my powers and look back at Nat. She feels angry, worried, stressed and confused. Mostly worried, though.

"Are you okay?" Worry, again.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I reply.

"Because you just shot her." This time there was worry and confusion, but she doesn't feel that way when someone on the other team gets shot, at least normally. I don't get it.

"Are the 3 of you ready for extraction?" Rogers asks. I can't feel what Rogers feels, he's too far.

"Yes." Clint confirms. He's tired, because of the fight he just had, I presume, but also angry and stressed.

"Alright, get in the room number 04, 3rd floor. You'll help us extract ourselves." Natasha orders with well hidden stress.

"Copy that." Her best friend mumbles neutrally.

"Y/N." I look back toward Nat. "How are you feeling?"

How do I feel? Natasha is worried. Am I worried? Clint is tired. Am I tired? The people downstairs feel many things. What do I feel? Anya felt pain and anger. Am I angry or in pain? I just shot Anya Fritz. Do I feel bad about it? The act in itself was cruel, but what is my opinion on it? Why can't I know what I feel? The fuck is happening to me!?

"Y/N? Stay with me, baby." Nat says, but her voice suddenly feels distant.

Do I feel distant? Am I lost? What do I feel? What are my emotions?? Why can't I feel???

"What is happening to her?" Clint just arrived and is worried too now.

"I don't know. She's been like this for a few minutes now." Natasha's worry is turning into panic.

Am I panicking?

"Calm down Nat. We'll figure it out and help once we're out." Clint decides, trying to sound calm, but he's not.

Nobody's calm. Am I calm?

"How do we even get out of here with an unconscious woman?" The woman says, now more relaxed.

"By the window. You're strong enough to catch her body." I state while pointing Natasha, brushing off the mess that's in my mind for a second.

Said woman and Clint look at each other silently, until the man speaks up. "It could work." He sounds hopeful.

"The window gives on the parking of the building, no one's in there and I don't see anyone near the windows. It can work." Rogers confirms.

So we do my plan. Nat slowly goes down the 3 floors, window by window and once she's down Clint and I throw her the criminal as softly as we can. Finally, we both go down the same way Nat did one after the other.

We then arrive to our getaway car and Clint starts driving Nat and I in the back and Anya in the trunk.

We pick up Steve on the way to the Quinjet and at first he felt happy and calm, but when he saw me his happiness turned into worry too.

Am I happy?

"Y/N baby, talk to me, please." My girlfriend says, still worried. She's worried about me and so are Steve and Clint.

"I-I don't know." I reply. "I don't understand what is happening to me." I reveal. "I'm not able to feel my emotions, there's nothing, it's completely empty!"

"Hey! Hey!" She says to get my attention before this whole tornado of questions appears again. "It's okay. It's okay not to know." She reassures softly.

Give us a chance? (Natasha Romanoff x Fem reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя