C1 - The Activation of the System

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Outside the gates of Lakeshell High, a group of teenagers lingered after the final bell, deep in conversation.

"The college entrance exams are just around the corner. Have you guys figured out which colleges you're aiming for?"

"We've only got one local institution. What about you? Which college are you thinking about?"

"Maybe he's got his sights set on Nightbay's Beastmaster Academy."

"Without even an apprentice beastmaster's certification, he can't even apply."

"That goes for all of us!"

"What about you, Xie Yang?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, Xie Yang shook his head.

"I'm still undecided."

The others just smiled, letting the topic drop.

They understood each other's predicaments all too well.

Lacking any remarkable talents, their chances of getting into the Beastmaster Academy were slim to none.

Barring any surprises, their futures likely involved attending a run-of-the-mill school, followed by a diligent, if unremarkable, career.

It was this shared reality that had cemented their friendship.

After a while, they reached a crossroads and went their separate ways.

With a wave goodbye, Xie Yang turned back.

He had been in this world for over half a month now, yet it still felt foreign to him.

He had awoken to find himself in an unfamiliar world, transformed into a high school student on the cusp of college entrance exams.

The whole situation was bizarre.

Xie Yang couldn't shake the feeling that he might be dreaming.

But the harsh truth was that this was no dream.

He had truly crossed over into another world.

"All those transmigration novels I read, and now I've actually lived one," he mused with a sigh, heading home.

Xie Yang wasn't one to wallow in pessimism.

With the event already unfolded, all he could do was embrace his new reality and adapt to his new identity and world.

Over the past days, he had begun to grasp the basics of this world.

In essence, it was a place where supernatural forces were the norm.

Centuries ago, a horde of ferocious beasts had burst through a dimensional rift, preying on humanity and plunging it into despair.

Humanity had risen to the challenge. Through the grueling conflict, they had discovered how to domesticate these savage creatures.

Thus, the era of the Beastmasters was born.

Since then, with the rise of numerous powerful Beastmasters, humanity had slowly turned the tide against the onslaught of beasts.

Eventually, humans had secured the advantage in their struggle against the ferocious beasts.

Humans have established a magnificent Beastmaster Civilization that reigns over the most resource-rich regions of the planet. In this age, the title of Beastmaster is synonymous with prestige and hierarchy. To become a Beastmaster is to join the ranks of the elite, a dream shared by nearly every youth, Xie Yang included.

Harnessing extraordinary powers was a longing he held in his past life. To thrive in this world, the path of the Beastmaster is the quickest and most effective. The strong dictate their destinies, a truth that holds across all worlds.

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