33- The girl who prayed for the devil

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"The Duchess seems very different 

Her glowing yellow eyes, narrowed as they peeped at me above the fan.

"How so?" I asked, unnerved. 

"Why since this is the first time you came without your husband after your marriage!" 

Oh Shit...

How did I forget...

Its the custom for noble ladies to go out with their husbands or brothers accompanying them!

"Oh my dear husband is busy with sone important work. And I dare not bother him. I take care of most of the household duties and events, you see!" I immediately put on a gentle smile.

"That's...understandable. But Duchess...Pardon my insolence but don't you think you had gone too far making a scene in my store for a dress! Don't get me wrong, but don't you think this was quite harmful for your reputation!?" She says sharply. 

Damn maybe I went too far...

But that dress was so fucking gorgeous!

I would have sold my left kidney to buy that dress in my past life! Now that I have all the money in the world I still can't buy it? Like what?

Normally I don't care about clothes or shopping but I don't know why, I really really wanted that dress. It was an unexplainable urge that wouldn't listen to any sound reason. And I knew that if I didn't have it, something inside of me would be missing.

"Is it wrong to want something?" I ask.

"Well its certainly not wrong to want something unless it belongs to someone else..." she says.

I sighed.

She certainly has a point.

"Looks like luck isn't on my side today...I should have come some time earlier..." I say.

"There's no need to be upset Duchess, I can make you a similar dress if you want. But yes- it will take a few days and maybe weeks!" Madam Louisiana  says.

"That's fine...I don't care how long it takes, please make me the same dress!" I say.

"Rest assured! However you will have to wear another dress for the party...Is that fine with you?" 

"Well yeah I guess...There's not much to be done." I say.

After a slight pause, lady Louisiana asks, "Would you like to join me for a cup of tea?" 

Oh now she feels bad about refusing the dress? 

But its fine I guess, I am already done with the preparations for tomorrow. 

A small tea break wouldn't kill.

"It will be my pleasure Madam" I say.

From what I remember of Madam Louisiana according to Rosetta's memories is that, she is a woman of talent and honour. Despite being over 50, she still looks very young and always well dressed.

Not many women in today's society are allowed to run their own businesses, but Lady Louisiana's family, has been doing it since 3 generations.

Her works are very well repected in the high society. Under her mother's guidance, she started to pick up the trade around the age of 10 and by 20 she took up the store from her mother who was too old to work. 

Her works are at par with her mother's and according to some even better!

But of course, since the law forbades women to inherit properties or businesses, she had to get married and before inheriting the store.

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