10-Parasitic Relationship

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Please stop...I'm so sorry...please no more or else I'll die...." Covered in blood and wounds, Derick joins his both hands and begs for mercy. His fine clothes already in tatters, his face covered in tears.

And a sadistic smile took over her face, when she hears his cries, begging her to stop while groveling down at her feet like a dog.

It was a smile full of satisfaction and pleasure.

A wonderful sight it was to her eyes!

Because he was at the place where he belonged.

That was at Rosetta's feet.

"Dear brother, you forgot your place, so it's my duty to as an elder sister to remind you again" I smile at him.

Then raising the whip high up...

But when I'm about to strike it again, I hear a woman's scream.


I turn around to see Teresa standing on the other side, her head covered in bandage from the wound Derick gave her.

After bringing her out of his room back then, I called the doctor and asked him to treat her. Her head was bleeding after Derick threw the glass at her, her face was all swollen from his punches.

Even though she tried to kill me, I found her very pitiful.

But this girl can't be helped.

She rushed towards us, and drops down on the ground before me. 

Then raising her arms wide she protects Derick behind her, "Please don't hurt him anymore! Hurt me instead! Please don't lay another finger on him!!" 

"What?" I raised a brow.

"He's innocent. I'm the one who poisoned your medicine last night. Punish me if you want to punish someone!" She says.

I really have no words.

Her eyes are serious, she is really ready to get hit.

It's really painful to even watch this drama...

"I'm tired." I say.

Then handing the whip to the guard, I walk back to my room.

And immediately Teresa hugs Derick and cries, "Milord are you okay?!? Hey someone help him get up!" 

Derick passes out in her arms.

But no one helps them.

Neither the servants nor the guards.

No one dares to come forward to help him after what happened a few moments ago.

"How could you!? You all were supporting master Derick until yesterday!? And you dare to turn your backs on him now!?" Teresa shouts at them.

"Teresa didn't you see what the Duchess did a few moments ago!? Do you want us to be next?" A maid says.

"What is the meaning of all this!? Hey you...You said that you poisoned her...remember this is a grave crime punishable by death! You must be grateful that the lady has forgiven you for now" A guard warns Teresa.

"I poisoned her!? Then what about you people? Anne, Lily, Ron??? You all knew what I was going to do and swore to help master Derick get his rightful title back as the the son of this family! How can you change sides so easily? Where is your loyalty?" Teresa says to the other maids.

The guards who were listening to all this, gasp in shock. Unlike the servants who were on Derick's side, the knights of the Duchy were still loyal to Rosetta who would train them personally most of the time.

I Became a Side character in a BL novelKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat