21- The old lady who reads smut

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"Don't you think it's unfair that an outsider like Arron can come into our lives and claim everything as his own? These properties, this wealth, all these were my father's and then they have rightfully become mine! Why should I have to tolerate an outsider? Why should I have to submit to a scum like that!?" I burst out at him.

The rage that plagued my soul for years came out in the form of words through Rosetta's voice.

Sir Franklyn was dumbfounded by my sudden enraged outburst.

I know I went too far...

And I don't expect his support either.

Calming my nerves down I get seated.

But to my surprise, Sir Franklyn gets down on his knees before me.

"Duchess...No amount of words can explain how deeply sorry I am to have hurt you like this..." He cries.


I look away and sigh. 

I really don't know what to say to someone like you.

"I have raised you since you were a child like my own daughter. Your father, the previous Duke was my master and I served him with all my life..."


"And after him, the only master I will accept is you..."

My eyes widen at those words.

They meet Sir Franklyn's eyes burning with loyalty and passion.

"Yes, Rosetta! I, Franklyn Hugo, swear my life at your service!"

"Sir Franklyn..." I am deeply surprised at his loyalty.

"Yes, that is my promise to your late father."


"On his deathbed, he asked me to promise one single thing...It was to protect you with my life. So it's my duty as a loyal knight to guard you till my last breath!"

"Funny...how the real danger to my life is the precious husband that he had chosen..." I sneered.

"Well, that..."

"It's okay you don't have to give any excuses for my father's wrong decisions..." I say with a sad laugh.

How could he have done this to Rosetta? How could her own father have done this?

Sir Franklyn doesn't say anything. He just gets up from his knees and sits back.

Then staring through the window outside the carriage, he whispers softly "There's no way a father can wish wrong upon their children".

Before I can say anything to him, the carriage comes to a stop.

"Looks like we have arrived at the Vermillions manor," Sir Franklyn says.

But before he can get out of the carriage, I ask him

"What do you think of Selene Vermillion?"

Sir Franklyn pauses for a second to look at me, then replies, "Lady Selene Vermillion? Well, I think if I were to describe her using one word then it would be the Iron lady. With her gray hair always tied into a bun and her back straight, I don't think I have ever seen her break. The times she had visited your father after her husband's death regarding the feud with the academy...She never shed a single tear. Instead, her face reflected strength, an incomparable strength."


"But of course after losing the academy she fought for so many years, she felt extremely devasted and locked herself up in the mansion.  She even stopped accepting visitors but since she has invited you, I guess she is doing better..."

"I see..."

She is exactly like I had imagined her to be!

Lady Selene...

Just as I thought, she might actually be able to help me!

We enter the manor welcomed by the servants.

After losing the academy, it looks like aunt Selene has very few servants at her residence.

Well, that must be a given, considering it's a huge financial loss...

"The lady is at the library right now...you may wait here." A maid says.

"Oh then just show me the way to the library, I'll go and meet her over there," I say.

"But the lady doesn't like anyone's interference when she reads-" the maid says in a stern tone.

"Huh?" The maid's tone of voice surprises me.

But another maid stops her and smiles, "No problem, I'll show you the way, your highness".

"Sure", I reply.

 Then looking over to Sir Franklyn I say, "You may wait here and enjoy the tea and snacks they have served. I'll be right back"

Sir Franklyn nods in agreement.

I follow the maid behind as she leads the way to the library.

And just as we leave, the other servants gather to scold the maid who asked me not to visit the library.

"Hey! Are you stupid? How can you tell the Duchess not to do what she wants? Have you forgotten your place? Don't you know she's the only one who can save this dying household after her father's death?"

"But I just said that because Lady Selene always strictly prohibits us from visiting her when she's reading in the library! Don't you remember, last time how badly she had scolded me just because I went to the library with her tea and snacks? " The maid replies.

"You stupid girl! Don't you know how many servants have been fired just because the lady cannot pay them anymore? Do you want that to be of us? In this day and age, who will give us work? If the Duchess of Rowells can do something for Lady Selene then it would be us who would also be rewarded indirectly!"

The maid nods reluctantly. She didn't have any words to counter them back. 

As almost half of the servants had been fired because the Lady couldn't afford to keep them around anymore.

Sir Franklyn who was listening to their conversation from the back in secret, slowly realized how bad the situation was...

It looked like the once glamorous and wealthy widow of the Vermillion, was now only surviving on her late husband's pension after the loss of the academy...

Truly it was saddening...

I follow the maid through the hallway, then she stops before a huge door.

This must be the library, huh?

But before I could say anything the maid bows down and leaves in a hurry.

It's almost as if she runs away, scared of something.

"Damn, what am I supposed to do here alone?" I scratched my head.

"Aunt Selene?" I knock on the door.

 But there is no response.

"It's me, Rosetta!"  I knock on the door again but I am met with no response.

Confused, I twist the lock to find the door open.

I push the door to the library open.

But what I see inside...

Is something that I will remember for the rest of my life...

Sitting on the sofa, with a book in her hand.

She spreads her legs open with her hand moving in rhythm under her skirt.

Her blue eyes were engrossed in the seemingly ecstatic magic of the book in her hand. Her old wrinkled face twisted into an expression of extreme pleasure as she lets out soft moans through her parted lips.

"Faster Prince! Oh dear god! I'm close!" She exclaimed as her hips are raised above the sofa with her hands moving at an even higher speed under her skirt.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Is all that comes out of my mouth

As Lady Selene's secret acts come to a stop...


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