3) Crack.

19 1 0

What am I doing with my life...


Nightmare: WILL YOU SHUT UP! (talking to Killer)

Killer: One day I'll shut up.

Nightmare: thank go-

Killer: not today tho.

Nightmare: GOD DAMIT-


Nightmare: you're too young to be tired (to his son Incubux)

Incubux: and you're too old to be alive yet here we are.


Dream: okay, why don't you wanna do your homework? (To Palette)

Palette: Because it's child abuse.

Dream: *confused* what, dear what do you mean-

Palette: Homework spelled backwards is Krowemoh which in Latin translates to "child abuse".

Dream: ...oh...


PJ: Dad, what's sex? (He's ten)

Error:...it's...I guess there's no reason to lie...

*After Error explains the process*

PJ: I don't think that's going to fit.

Error: what do you mean?

*PJ shows Error his homework which says "Sex:____" it also means gender.*

Error: *realizing he fucked up.* Shit...


Cross: roses are red, that is very much true, but violets are purple, not fucking blue. (Talking to Killer)


*The murder trio whenever they see algebra anywhere*

"wtf is that!?" -Dust (summons bones)

"AAAHHHH" -Horror (grabs axe)

"KILL IT!!!"- Killer. (Summons knives)


Worker #1: "you're fired"

Fell: what??? (He never applied)

Worker #2: "we don't know who you are but we don't want you"

Fell: :(


Random idiot: idk what's so sad about the Mars rover dieing, I'm going to die alone and cold too

Blue: Difference is that the Mars rover contributed to society.


Teacher: who is your hero?

Goth: Dad (Reaper)

Teacher: why are they your hero?

Goth: Because he's brave.

Teacher: Is there anything he's afraid of?

Goth: mom. (Geno)


Cross: do regular dogs see police dogs and think "oh no it's a cop"?


Horror: if I said I love you, would you say it back?

Fell: of course.

Horror: I love you.

Fell: it back.

Horror: Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò


Rando: enjoy your youth, child!

Moonlight: and enjoy the rest of your life because it ain't lasting long


Hi! Um so, I haven't updated in a week and I'm sorry. I was busy with school and all of that but up, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! I hope you all are doing well, I will hopefully update soon but we'll see. Have a good day, night, afternoon, evening, or whatever and remember that you are loved and you are not alone. ♡^▽^♡

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