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Someone put your hand on my head and bless me😭Anyone reading this should comment on this particular paragraph with an "I love you."Trust me it ain't easy to drop three freaking updates in a day.For someone who went the stress of a university,I should be sleeping all dayyy long,but here I am,showering love on you all because yeah yeah...you guys and this book are the keys to my heart in one...[I'm not sure what I just said makes sense though]You all,just know I'm not complaining cause I'm even meant to drop more than 3 updates today for ghosting you people😭❤️Also,I love you all to the moon and back.Never forget that the same way you don't forget your beautiful names.

Uhh...DON'T you all dare hesitate to skip the star icon or comment icon.You should all drop a vote and a comment or two, and maybe,just maybe tomorrow during one of my lectures,I could be a stubborn little girl and drop an update..lol.By the way,I'm a good girl...I just love you all so much,it feels like someone among you guys has cast a spell on me.

Back to the main deal and enough of my rambling, or do I say enough of my rambling and back to the main deal...anyone.Just make sure you enjoy the update and grin as you read,for you all silent and ghost readers may actually want to introduce yourselves after reading this.Okay...let me not overhyped the chapter.

Just...enjoy!I think I've said this already, and Hahaha.

Warning:Violent scene filled with gore ahead!Read at your own risk!



CAMILLA TWIRLED NIKOLAI'S debit card in her hand,wondering what to actually do with it.

"Every good girl deserves a reward,"

She didn't understand why,but she loved the way those words rolled off his lips.They made her imagine a few rated scenarios between the both of them.The words made her anticipate a reward from him other than a debit card.

But who was she to refuse a reward?

She slipped the card into her purse and smiled at her reflection in the mirror.Dressed in a black jumpsuit,she had her hair combed neatly,falling exactly where they should be on her shoulders.She wasn't a fan of much make up,and so,she only put on something minimal.

She turned and sashayed to the bedroom door,opening it,only to bump into a certain pink-haired girl.

She scowled.

Eleonora gave her a small smile, which actually made her look more pretty."Hey,"

Camilla returned the smile in an overly sweet way."I think you should be smiling more often.You look pretty,"

"I don't know what to take that as,"Camilla squeezed her lips."It could be an insult or a compliment,"

"Either way,make sure to remember that smiling makes you look pretty,"Camilla said."If you may excuse me now,"

"I want to come with you,"Eleonora said."I want to go shopping with you,"

Camilla frowned."How do you know that I'm going shopping?"

"I guessed,"Eleonora shrugged."Now, can I come with you?"

"Why is that?"

"You don't need to worry about the cute card Nick gave you,"Eleonora giggled."I have mine even though he wouldn't mind if I used his card also,"

Camilla replied."I think going shopping with you is a bad idea,"

"It could be good if you want to be nice,"Eleonora replied.

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