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This chapter solely contains a conversation between Nikolai and Camilla alone and I'm sure most of you would find it boring.Please bear with it, and tomorrow after my papers,I'll drop an update.

Don't forget to vote and comment as you read.It fuels my writing engine💫❤️



THE DAYS FOLLOWING that intense session in Nikolai’s private gym were marked by an uncomfortable silence between Camilla and Nikolai. Each training session was a minefield of avoided glances and clipped instructions. The once seamless partnership now felt strained, and every movement tinged with the memory of that night.

Nikolai, on one hand, felt no regret. To him, their intense encounter was a natural progression of their relationship. He had always loved Camilla, even though she loved his brother and hated him for allegedly murdering her family. His love for her had been a constant torment, especially since he was the one who forced her into marriage.

Camilla,on the other hand, found herself dreading their sessions, her usual excitement were replaced by a gnawing anxiety,not because she hated him,but because she couldn't trust herself around him anymore.She could feel Nikolai’s presence acutely, his every move a reminder of the boundary they had crossed. They hadn’t talked about it, both preferring to focus on their training, but the unspoken tension lingered,freaking her out more to the extent she was furious at herself.

She was angry at herself that she actually begged him to let her cum.

Adding to her turmoil was the fear that she barely felt guilty for betraying Roberto.

Did that mean she didn't love him any longer?It couldn't be,right?

Camilla was seated alone in the kitchen, her hands wrapped around a mug of coffee. She stared out the window, the rising sun casting a warm glow over the garden outside. The quietness of the morning was a stark contrast to the turmoil in her mind.

Nikolai entered the kitchen, his footsteps soft on the tiled floor. He saw Camilla seated there on a stool by the counter,her posture tense. He knew they couldn’t keep avoiding the conversation they needed to have, but every time he tried to bring it up, the words caught in his throat,so he totally ignored it.

“Morning,” he said, his voice steady as he walked towards the refrigerator to pick out a bottle of water.

“Morning,” Camilla replied, not looking up from her mug. The silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken words.

Nikolai, seeming nonchalant,dropped the water bottle after he finished drinking the water."How are you holding up, Valkyrie?"

Camilla's jaw clenched, her palms tightening around the mug."I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

Nikolai raised an eyebrow, leaning on the counter. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you're still grappling with the fact that you wanted me to pleasure you, despite your apparent hatred for me?"

Camilla flinched at his bluntness but refused to back down. "Don't act like you know me, Nikolai. What happened in the gym was a mistake. I shouldn't have begged you to—"

"To make you cum?" Nikolai interrupted, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Seems to me like you enjoyed it. Why so much guilt, Valkyrie?"

Camilla shot him a glare, her frustration mounting. "Because I'm not supposed to want you, Nikolai! I'm engaged to your brother, for God's sake!"

Nikolai leaned forward, his gaze intense."Yet, here we are, married and unable to ignore the fire between us. Tell me, Valkyrie, when will you stop lying to yourself and admit that you feel something,at least an attraction for me?"

WHISPERS OF SEDUCTION {TO BE TAKEN DOWN ON 24TH SEPTEMBER}✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora