31: Sated Love

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Aera sat alone at a table in the HYBE cafeteria, her lunch tray a half-eaten landscape of untouched salad and a barely-chewed sandwich

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Aera sat alone at a table in the HYBE cafeteria, her lunch tray a half-eaten landscape of untouched salad and a barely-chewed sandwich. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, the most prominent being how to mend the fractured bond with Lara. The weight of the situation gnawed at her, adding a bitter tang to the already stressful workload. Yet, a stray thought of Taehyung, her boyfriend, managed to tug a smile onto her lips. He was her personal ray of sunshine, his playful antics and unwavering support a constant source of joy amidst the chaos.

Lost in contemplation, Aera didn't hear the approaching flurry of activity until a voice, bright and bubbly, shattered the peaceful silence.

"Unnie! There you are! I was searching for you in your studio!" Min Seo exclaimed, sliding into the seat opposite Aera.

Min Seo, her bubbly colleague, skidded to a halt opposite Aera, a wide grin splitting her face. Aera chuckled, a hint of apology in her voice. "Sorry, Seo, I looked for you too, but one of the staff said you were called to a meeting with the CEO. I figured you were busy, so I just came ahead. Starving!"

Min Seo giggled, brushing it off. "No worries at all!" As she settled across from Aera, a wide grin stretched across her face. Aera, sensing her friend's infectious happiness, couldn't help but ask, "Hmm, someone seems positively bubbly today. What's the good news?"

Min Seo let out a playful laugh. "So you finally noticed! Honestly, I was waiting for you to ask. As you already know, I had a meeting with the CEO, right?"

Aera nodded, leaning in to hear better.

Min Seo drew out her words, building suspense. "And he..." she lowered her voice to a dramatic whisper, building the suspense. "And guess what?"

Aera leaned in further, her nerves tingling with anticipation.

Min Seo practically exploded, "I'm going to be working alongside Min Yoongi! As in Min Yoongi of BTS! Can you believe it?!"

Aera's eyes widened in surprise, then lit up with genuine joy for her friend. She grabbed Min Seo's hand, shaking it vigorously. "Woah, Min Seo! Congratulations! That's incredible news! Your hard work finally paid off!"

Their little celebration was abruptly cut short by a loud scoff from behind. Aera and Min Seo turned as one to see Ms. Choi, their department manager. Still fuming from the harsh reprimand she'd received from the CEO, she stood, arms crossed, her face contorted in a sneer.

"Whoa there, juveniles," Ms. Choi drawled, her voice dripping with disdain. "Don't you think you're overhyping your little celebration? Must you disrupt everyone's peaceful meal?"

Min Seo's jaw clenched, anger simmering beneath the surface. But years of working under Ms. Choi had instilled a grudging respect, and she knew better than to escalate the situation. 

The air crackled with tension as Ms. Choi's words hung heavy in the air. Aera, despite her blindness, could sense the malicious glint in the woman's eyes.

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