26: Beating of Broken Hearts

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Aera sat perched on the edge of her studio stool in the Bighit building, her fingers nervously drumming against the worn wood

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Aera sat perched on the edge of her studio stool in the Bighit building, her fingers nervously drumming against the worn wood. The air hung heavy with unspoken tension, a reflection of the turmoil within her. Ms. Choi's initial task – a portrait – rested on the easel beside her, a testament to the long hours spent grappling with self-doubt. But the strokes on the canvas were mere distractions from the battle raging inside her ever since the confrontation with Lara.

The revelation of her own budding relationship with Taehyung had thrown her world into disarray. The thought of hurting him, or worse, losing him, gnawed at her relentlessly. This gnawing anxiety had seeped into every aspect of her life, causing her self-restraint to crumble. She knew she should confide in him, but a fierce need to address her insecurities on her own held her back. She didn't want to approach him with uncertainty clouding her thoughts.

Suddenly, the studio door swung open with a bang, shattering the tense silence. Aera instinctively rose to her feet, her hand reaching out for the familiar support of the easel. The click-clack of stiletto heels approaching sent a wave of apprehension through her. It was Ms. Choi, the head of the art and design team, and her arrival rarely heralded good news.

Ms. Choi stopped beside Aera, a condescending smirk twisting her lips. "Ah, Aera," she drawled, her voice dripping with a feigned sense of sweetness. "I hear from my PA that you've completed your task. Very well, let's see what you came up with. But remember," she continued, her tone turning sharp, "I expect something worthy of my time and artistic sensibilities. Otherwise, I'm afraid a trial period might be necessary to... refine your skills."

Before Ms. Choi could unleash another barb, Aera cut her off. Days of pent-up frustration bubbled up within her, pushing past the self-doubt that usually kept her tongue in check. "With all due respect, Ms. Choi," she said, her voice surprisingly firm, "I believe there won't be any need for that. Here," she added, feeling a surge of unexpected confidence, "let me show you."

Ms. Choi's smirk faltered. Taken aback by Aera's newfound assertiveness, she eyed the younger woman with skepticism. Sensing Ms. Choi's scrutiny, Aera met her gaze head-on. A mischievous smile danced on her lips as she reached out and unveiled the portrait with a flourish.

The gasp that escaped Ms. Choi's lips was music to Aera's ears. "How... how is this possible?" Ms. Choi stammered, disbelief etched on her face.

Aera turned to face Ms. Choi, a hint of amusement sparkling in her sightless eyes. Still enjoying the moment, she offered a mocking smile before retrieving her phone. With a flick of her wrist, she played a time-lapse video, capturing the painstaking journey of her creation over the past few days.

Ms. Choi watched the video unfold in stunned silence, her mouth agape. Just then, the studio door swung open again. This time it was Minseo, Aera's new colleague and confidante, rushing in with a flustered expression. Close behind them came Mr. Bang, the CEO of Bighit, accompanied by his assistant.

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