02: Blind Symphony

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The platform stretched before him, a concrete ribbon swallowed by the inky embrace of nightfall

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The platform stretched before him, a concrete ribbon swallowed by the inky embrace of nightfall. The lone figure, silhouetted against the distant city lights, seemed adrift in a sea of solitude. The only sounds were the rhythmic click-clack of his shoes on the cold pavement and the mournful wail of a distant train whistle, echoing through the emptiness like a lonesome lament.

His eyes, the color of faded denim, stared out into the darkness, searching for something beyond the reach of the flickering station lights. Perhaps a familiar face in the window of a passing train, a memory flickering to life in the shadows, or maybe just an escape from the relentless echo of his thoughts that were burying him alive.

The platform, usually a bustling hub of arrivals and departures, was now a stage for his solitary contemplation, a silent witness to the symphony of dead emotions playing out within him. As the night deepened, and the city lights blurred into a distant haze, he decided to retire on the bench, the tangible coldness seeping through his bones.

The only warmth came from the faint glow of his cigarette, a fleeting ember in the vast expanse of the night. Each puff sent wisps of smoke curling upwards, like silent prayers disappearing into the indifferent sky.

Suddenly his train of thought was derailed abruptly as he felt a prosaic presence beside him, making his relaxed posture stiffen alert. His mind flooded with potential chaos that might ensue if the person turned out to be one of his fans. Securing the mask on his face, he slightly craned his neck to look at the person seated beside him, as he felt the vibrations thrumming of the underground station beneath his feet.

His gaze snagged on a splash of color - a wrapped canvas, vibrant and whimsical, peeking out of a worn leather satchel.

Curiosity tugged at him, leading him towards the source, a girl perched on the edge of their shared bench, her brow frowned in concentration as her hands rummaged inside her tote bag frantically.

He coughed unintentionally, grabbing her attention, as she looked up towards his direction. His bated breath visibly hitched, as he found himself lost in the intrigued spun of halo spell.

Her eyes, like open windows to the soul, revealed a depth of emotion that spoke volumes without a single word being uttered. Warm pools of melted chocolate flecked with golden hazel, rich, coffee-brown depths with swirling hints of amber. Tiny wrinkles crinkled at the corners of her eyes, hinting at unspoken laughter and a playful spirit that shone even in the dim light. A beacon of warmth in the cool embrace of the night.

His lips parted slightly, mesmerized by the effect she spelled so effortlessly.

Her ebony black hair locks, a cascade of midnight silk, flowing down her shoulders, like raven's wing unfurled against the moonlight. She tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her pierced ear, tearing her gaze away from him, staring straight ahead of the platform, her eyes glistening in delighted nightfall.

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