32: Baby Alert!

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Aera fumbled with her keys, the familiar click of the lock a welcome sound after a long day

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Aera fumbled with her keys, the familiar click of the lock a welcome sound after a long day. Reaching blindly for the light switch, she flicked it on, expecting darkness. But a warm, inviting glow flooded the apartment. Confused, Aera patted at the switch again. Still light.

A faint sound of clinking metal reached her ears, a telltale sign of someone bustling around in the kitchen. A slow realization dawned on her. Her office bag slipped from her grasp as she kicked off her shoes. Another pair of well-worn mules materialized near her bare feet.

Without wasting a moment, she rushed towards the kitchen, the tantalizing aroma of a delicious dinner hitting her senses. "Lara?" she cried out, her voice thick with surprise and a hint of apprehension.

The last thing she'd expected was Lara to be in her apartment, especially after their recent argument that left a bitter taste in their mouths. Lara had stormed out in a fury, leaving Aera feeling abandoned and alone.

Lara, clearly startled by the sudden call, stumbled slightly on her feet. A surprised chuckle escaped her lips as she wrapped her arms around Aera in a tight embrace. Aera, overwhelmed with relief and lingering guilt, clung onto her friend, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Aera, what's wrong?" Lara asked, her voice laced with concern.

Mumbling apologies between choked sobs, Aera buried her face in Lara's shoulder. The days of silence and the looming fear of losing her best friend had taken their toll.

Lara gently pulled back, squeezing Aera's hand reassuringly. "Hey, hey," she soothed. "It's okay. It's not your fault. Why are you apologizing?""

Her voice softened further. "It was my anger that got the best of me. My parents, Jimin, and then finding out about your secret relationship with Taehyung – it was all too much at once. I overreacted and took it all out on you."

Aera felt a wave of relief wash over her as Lara's voice cracked and tears welled up in her own eyes. She reached out and pulled Lara into another hug, whispering reassurances into her friend's ear.

"It's alright," Aera murmured. "I understand. You were going through a lot. It's my fault too, for not telling you about Taehyung sooner. I was just looking for the right time, honestly, but I guess that time never came."

Lara sniffled softly against Aera's shoulder, taking a deep breath to compose herself. "No, everything's alright, Aera," she said. "Nothing's changed. We're good, okay?"

Aera pulled back slightly, a small smile gracing her lips. She wiped away a stray tear from Lara's cheek. "Yes," she agreed, her voice thick with emotion. "As long as you're ready to forgive me."

The tension broken, curiosity flickered in Aera's eyes. "By the way, did you reconcile with Jimin?" she asked hesitantly. Lara's sudden appearance and positive mood had sparked hope in Aera's heart for her friend's love life.

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