15: The Night the Stars Aligned

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The air in Mr

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The air in Mr. Bang's office, sterile and professional, felt suffocating to Taehyung. He slumped in his chair, the plush leather failing to soothe the prickling heat crawling under his skin. Every nerve ending was still buzzing from his encounter with Aera, a vibrant memory against the monotonous beige walls.

The heat that had flared on her touch lingered, a phantom echo on his skin. Her whispered plea, "make me your addiction," resonated in his head, sending a delicious shiver down his spine. A blush crept up his neck, warming his cheeks at the mere thought of her. Goosebumps prickled his skin, a delayed reaction to their heated interaction just over an hour ago. Guilt gnawed at him too, a bitter aftertaste to their stolen intimacy. He'd begged her to stay at his penthouse, promising to return and take her home himself.

He couldn't shake the image of her alone in his vast apartment, waiting for him to return. What urgency could have possibly warranted dragging him in this late?

A flicker of irritation flared in his chest as the office door swung open. PD-nim, the CEO of BIGHIT, entered with a serious expression etched on his face. Behind him followed Min Kyu, Taehyung's ever-composed manager, his usually jovial face was a mask of sternness, an uncharacteristic tightness around his jaw. The sight did little to ease Taehyung's growing apprehension.

Taehyung watched them both with a growing sense of unease as PD-nim settled into the chair across from him. The air crackled with unspoken tension. Mr. Bang tapped away at his Macbook for a moment, his brow furrowed in concentration. Finally, he glanced at Min Kyu, then back at Taehyung, a flicker of something unreadable passing between them.

"Min Kyu," PD-nim said, his voice clipped, "show Taehyung the article causing a stir on social media."

Taehyung's stomach clenched. He had no idea what the Bang PD was referring to, but a knot of dread formed in his gut. He schooled his features into a mask of nonchalance, turning to his manager with a questioning look.

Min Kyu, his expression grim, reached for his tablet and unlocked it. He navigated to a specific entertainment website, his silence amplifying Taehyung's unease. Finally, he handed the tablet to Taehyung, the screen displaying a blaring headline.

Taehyung scanned the article, confusion giving way to dawning comprehension, then a surge of anger that sent his blood boiling. The article detailed his unexpected visit to an anonymous art exhibition, fueling speculation about his motives. But it was the accompanying photo that truly sent his temper flaring.

The picture showed him and Aera engaged in conversation, their figures bathed in the soft glow of the gallery lights. Aera's face was obscured, her back turned to the camera. However, their close proximity – a result of their hushed conversation – was clearly captured. 

 The caption, fueled by netizens' wild imaginations, painted a picture of a blossoming romance.

Taehyung's initial confusion morphed into scorching fury. His eyes, usually warm and non-judgmental, now crackled with a dangerous glint.

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