Chapter 52 Like a Paper Cut (part 1)

Start from the beginning

Breaking her gaze from the crystal reflection, Captain Ellen-Mia turned to face her lieutenant. "So they are all dead? The captives that is?"

Elias shook his head. "No, there is one that still lives—a female. She seems like a lesser demon, that or she hasn't been one for too long."

"Good, I want to meet this woman," she spoke with a monotone type voice, leaving no room for discussion.

Elias's face contorted slightly, but he made no indication to question his captain. He simply nodded and left the room.

When this occurred, Ellen-Mia sighed and returned to the 'bed' where she laid. Rather than that, it was more like a solid cloud of air—an odd mysterious sight that Mia could not help but marvel over.

'The Celestial Realm is so amazing.'

Before the resting cloud, Ellen-Mia opened the enormous glass doors to allow the wind to caress her face.

It was a beautiful feel, warm and soothing, and Mia was finally able to discover the source of the light that bothered her eyes. Infused with the swirls and funnels of clouds and blue sky, there were gleaming lights soaring through them like comets—like a never ending morning.

"Sup Cap! How goes it?" In once instant, Ellen-Mia's vision was obscured by a scruffy head of black hair.

It was a young boy, hanging from the glass ceiling of what Mia assumed to be her celestial home. He was upside down, allowing his small wings to sustain him. His body was slender and under his white toga, he had black garments to conceal his legs and arms.

"What did I say about calling me Cap, Nathanael?" Ellen-Mia said the word in distaste, making the young angel smirk and scratch his head.

"I don't recall," he laughed, causing Ellen-Mia to scoff and jump out of the window to walk the golden cobblestoned pathway.

The young angel followed in tow as she blended with the bustling streets of the Celestial Realm. In reality, it was the Angel Barracks or The Core, as they called it. The center of the holy realm where all of the angels lived and trained.

Within The Core, all of the buildings were the same; they were pure white and squared with a large opening that was covered with glass. The structures were all mainly the homes of the angels, which were considered soldiers.

The beauty of these simple structures was how they were stacked on each other. Each edifice was organized in a way that made patterns and fractals. It was like walking into a fantastical town.

Lastly, the bustling golden streets which reflected their splendor on some of the pure white walls, were flourished with stands and markets. Countless items and trinkets were constantly being sold—merchandise from all over the universe.

Each corner had a merchant, from holy fire to ancient runic swords to fairy dust. It was as if the wildest of things the imagination could create were found on those streets.

And as Ellen-Mia passed by some of the angels and souls that were bartering, she focused her attention on a big observatory with an enormous crystal sphere that covered the rooftop. She said nothing in regards to the building, and instead of walking in its direction, she entered another less grand building that stood next to the ostentatious structure.

Apparently, it was the main headquarters of the archangels, and as Ellen-Mia continued on, disregarding the guards, Nathanael was pulled aside.

"Its fine, he is accompanying me," Ellen-Mia spoke, making the winged guard with his face concealed, hesitate.

He looked at the little one who was bored, and scoffed—ultimately letting him go.

"When will they acknowledge my Archangel blood-line?" Nathanael whined.

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