Lucryn: Day 50

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(Day 50)

(Hoenn- Elite Headquarters)

"You okay?" Steven asks, placing a hand on Tyler's shoulder.

Tyler shakily smiles, taking in a deep breath before saying, "Good, I'm good."

"You are a terrible liar" Liza says, her twin Tate sitting beside her, the two amongst the youngest master class military members of the Guardians of Hoenn.

Tyler's smile falls, eyes slightly red as he looks down, avoiding meeting anyones eyes. "I'm good."

"Don't act tough." A hand falls atop Tyler's head, an elderly man having walked into the conference room, coming up behind Tyler. "It's okay to cry over the loss of a loved one. We'll do everything we can to get your Flareon back."

Tyler bites his lip, eyes reddening as he wipes at them, trying not to let the tears fall. The old man, Drake Gen, also known as the Commander of the 4th Military Battle Division walks past Tyler, taking the seat at the head of the conference room. His old, yet sharp eyes look over the twenty or so people within the room. Four of the five division majors were present along with a few of the master rank members of the Guardians of Hoenn.

Commander Drake straightens, aura leaking out, those within the room growing tense at the sheer pressure of it. "Team Rocket has dared invade our region. Have dared to take out partners from us. Have dared to harm the people we swore to protect. They will pay. Wallace and Flannery, you two will take charge of this matter. Find the intruders, find the pokemon they stole from us, make them pay."

"Yes sir." The two major division leaders say, Steven deeply frowning from where he sat off to the side.

"Commander, I want to-" Steven begins to say, the man instantly cutting him off.

"Steven, you've done enough. Thanks to your contributions many people were saved. Your main mission is defending Hoenn, let the others track down the intruders. Hoenn needs you to focus on its protection." Commander Drake says, Steven bowing his head, not saying anything else.

"Any info that is discovered on these new pokeballs is to instantly be brought to the research division's attention." Commander Drake says, dismissing everyone.

Everyone slowly trickles out of the room, rather somber, eyes alight with the will to battle, to do something! Hearthome City is partially in ruins, innocents are dead, over twenty contracted pokemon have been stolen away, and many military comrades were killed or injured during the battle. Steven's division was the worst off, his division was the main division in charge of Hearthome City's defense when news of a possible attack reached the ears of the military.

If they had just known how large scale the attack would be they could've been more prepared. The only saving grace is that it was Steven tasked with defense. He always goes overboard, preferring to be over prepared no matter the situation. If not for that, Hearthome City might be completely in ruins.

"Steven, wait." Commander Drake says, Steven pausing, watching the last few people exit the room. Sighing, he turns around. "Yes Commander?"

Commander Drake walks down to stand in front of Steven. "You've made me proud. If not for your cautiousness, Hearthome City may have fallen."

"I wasn't prepared enough." Steven says, eyes cold.

"We can't be prepared for everything. You did good though. I heard you got injured during the battle." Commander Drake says, eyes roving over Steven, as if ensuring he's alright.

Steven coldly says, "Flesh wounds, I'm fully recovered. If you'll excuse me, I must be off."

"Steven, wait." Commander Drake says, running a hand tiredly through his gray hair. "I understand your frustration at this situation. You just went through a tough battle against the leader of Team Rocket, your pokemon and you both ended up injured, there were many losses taken on both sides, but none of it is your fault. You did everything you could."

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