Lucryn: Day 45

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*Picture above: Lucryn (13 years old - current age)

(Day 45)

Lucryn sat quietly on the medical bed, oddly well behaved. A nurse busied herself around the room, Lucryn's eyes following her every movement. Fully healed after only two days, he's quite impressed with the healing powers of pokemon. It truly is incredible, it almost makes him want to hunt down a healer type pokemon to join his team.

"Here we are, be good and drink it all and I'll give you a lollipop." The nurse says, walking over with a steaming cup. Lucryn takes it from her, sniffing it. Recognizing most of the ingredients, he slowly drinks it, his nose wrinkling at the bitter taste.

"Aw, your such a good child drinking it all!" The nurse says, cupping her cheeks and letting out a small shriek at how cute Lucryn is as he licks his lips, blankly looking at her. Coughing, she composes herself, handing Lucryn a lollipop. "Good boys who drink their medicine get rewarded."

Lucryn plays with the lollipop in his hands, not moving to open it. "You should be good to go once your guardian finishes the discharge procedures. Remember to be more careful. While healing pokemon can treat most injuries, your body can't handle constantly being injured and healed, it'll take a toll on you both physically and mentally, so be careful."

Not getting a response from Lucryn, the nurse pouts. Hearing the door open, both Lucryn and the nurse look over, Lance walking in. Lance nods at the nurse, noting how Lucryn perks up seeing him. Unable to stop the smile that crosses his face, he hurriedly schools his expression, walking over and gazing down at Lucryn with a commanding aura.

"As your military commander, I'm displeased with your reckless actions. When you discovered that something was amiss, you should've immediately contacted me, your commander, and relayed all info and waited for orders. While the mission was a success, I consider it to be a failure. Reflect on your actions, I want a 5,000 word reflection on why you were wrong to act alone by tomorrow."

Lucryn lowers his head submissively, quietly listening to Lance's words. 'I don't feel that my actions were wrong though.'

Lance sighs, he had dealt with military reports all morning, having been behind due to staying all of yesterday by Lucryn's side, ensuring he didn't wake up and cause mayhem. They had kept Lucryn under the entire day to ensure proper healing, only this morning did he wake up, and he had been oddly well behaved. Although, that might be more Machamp's doing than anything. Glancing at Machamp who sat beside the child's bed in a meditation pose, Lance sighs again.

"Lucryn, next time you go on a mission, report to me if you don't have your pokemon with you." Lance firmly says, Lucryn nodding. Lance raises a brow, Lucryn is being really well behaved. Ever since Lucryn fell asleep with Steven, he had been acting weird, no, he still is wild and misbehaving, but something had changed, and Lance couldn't tell if it's a good or bad change.

Reaching out, he tousles Lucryn's hair, Lucryn batting away Lance's hand, hissing lightly, a clear sign of discontent. "As your guardian, I never want to see you hurt like that again. Had things been different, that man could have killed you or sold you off into slavery. You need to think about others when you have these stupid ideas in your head, kay?"

Lucryn remains still, not responding, but Lance accepts the silence as a good enough response. "The mission is partially completed. The Poochyena and Sneasel newborns are being taken care of and are ready to be returned to their families. The only problem is the eggs have yet to be found, military personnel are continuing to search, but it's quite possible they've already been sold off."

Lucryn quietly listens, wondering when Lance will be done talking. "The pokemon hunters were all apprehended, we've ensured that. The leader, the one who could use fusion is someone who defected from the military and has been on the run, catching him will solve some problems. I plan on making an example of him, he'll spend the rest of his life in prison for being a pokemon hunter and for manslaughter. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this, you saw him kill someone didn't you?"

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