Rye Akai

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*Picture Above: Rye Akai's Father (I'm sure you all can guess who ^_~)

(Current Time - Day 42 - Time: Slightly after midnight)

Lucryn lies quietly on the top bunk, listening to Lance's even breathing. The room is dark, but his eyes could make out the outline of the other bunk bed and the door. No windows made it hard for him to remain calm, his eyes remaining fixed on the door. He hated being in this room, he'd rather be at Steven's home or the Professor's lab training.

Recalling the Professor's lab, he wonders if he'll make it back before work begins again. Since it's Friday, he'd need to make it back within three days. Just spending one night in this room is driving him insane, thinking about doing it multiple times...

Rolling over, Lucryn bites at his lip as he tries to distract himself from his inner demons. Recalling Rye's decision to spend every Monday battling from dawn to dusk, he really hopes he can make it back in time. His Charcadet's learn faster with actual battle experience. Thinking back on it, he wonders why Rye favors him so much. 'Going as far as to ask me to join his special unit.'

Curling in on himself, Lucryn's lips curl up a tad. 'He's interesting.'

Glimpse into the Past

(Day 12 - Rye's Perspective)

Black hair hides his eyes, as he lies on a large bed, a Torchic curled up beside him. Torchic twitches in her sleep, poking the youth who only recently turned 15 in the stomach. The youth grumbles, eyes opening a tad. Drearily looking down at his Torchic known as the chick pokemon. Torchic shifts again, the youth, Rye, laughing a tad.

Sitting up, he stretches, gazing warmly down at Torchic. "Time to wake up Talya." Torchic, or Talya, as he named her shifts in her sleep, chirping unhappily. Rye pats her head, amused by her clear struggle to wake up.

His Z+ band vibrates, Rye's eye twitching as he sees the caller ID. 'It's too early for this.'

Forcing a smile to cover his lips, he picks up the call, a screen appearing from his Z+ band, showing a face he didn't really want to see so bright and early. "Dad, what now?"

"You could at least smile and act happy I'm calling." The man on the other side of the phone says with a laugh. Black spiky hair, clear black eyes that shone with warmth and laughter, he didn't look his age of 43, looking more like a young man in his early twenties.

"I'm busy." Rye shrugs, looking away, eyes settling on his precious Torchic who had curled herself into a ball and fallen deeper into the world of dreams. A helpless smile momentarily flickers over his lips. 'Lazy little chick.'

"We both know I'm busier than you, so don't be like that Rye." Rye's father says with a "tsk, tsk".

Rye rolls his eyes at the man. "I am busy Dad, unlike you who runs off and abandons his work, I'm doing everything I can to achieve my goals."

The man's expression softens. "I know, you're doing amazing kiddo."

"Right, so I need to go wake up Talya, she's being a sleepyhead." Rye says, about to hang up the call.

"Wait, I wanted to share some info with you. It'll help with your goals." The man says, pulling on a red jacket.

Rye glances at Talya again, sighing. 'Guess she gets to sleep in.'

"I promised not to interfere with your decision to make a special unit in the seventh division, but I wanted to give you some info." The man states, Rye raising his brow at that. "Do you know how there have been more and more people contracting pokemon at younger ages?"

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