The shattering of Fate

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*Picture above: Fate's Crossing

Author: This chapter may make little to no sense and that's sort of the point ^_^ It's foreshadowing that'll eventually make sense, but if you manage to unravel the whole plot just from reading this chapter, then that's very impressive, like seriously, you're incredible! This is the first of many glances into the past that we'll be doing. Not all of them will be from Lucryn's point of view, but many will. Comment please, I don't like talking to myself (even if I do it a lot) 

The past - Unknown time and place

"Where am I?" A small child, maybe three asks, gazing around with eyes that looked more dead than alive. All around stretches darkness, nothing at all. Turning, the child's eyes go big. 'It's you.'

Another child stares back, lilac eyes, silky black hair. A timid look is on the child's face as he backs up a bit, looking unsure of what is happening. "Where's big brother?"

The first child flinches at that, opening his mouth he says, "It's not fair."

The second child steps back at the ferocity in the first child's voice. "I'm sorry, did I do something wrong? I won't do it again." The second child bows in apology, hugging a doll tighter in his arms. The first child looks down at the doll, gritting his teeth as jealousy and rage fill him. Stalking forward, he grasps the doll, pulling it roughly from the child's arms, ignoring the child's cry to stop.

"This is mine now, you don't deserve it! You don't deserve any of it! You have a kind big brother and parents, and I...I don't have any of that, but you still cry when things don't go your way! I hate you!!"
The darkness seems to seep in as the first child yells, wrapping around him, making him all the more ominous as he looks at the second child with hate-filled eyes. "You don't deserve any of it!"
"What did I..." The second child begins to say, interrupted once more by the first child.

"You exist, that's what's wrong!" Pushing his light blue hair out of his face, his blood red eyes are downright murderous as he stalks towards the child, fingers wrapping around the child's neck. "They all coddle you, all because you have some dumb illness. You don't know pain, you don't know how much I've suffered!!!"

The child's eyes are wide open, tears streaming down his face as cold hands choke him, his body beginning to shake from thirst of oxygen. "You're going to die in a few years, why don't you just die now?! You don't deserve to live such a good life! You don't!"

The child suddenly phases, body fading away, the first child's fingers going right through the second child's body. The second child backs away a few steps, phasing back into reality, coughing roughly as he collapses to his knees. Through teary lilac eyes, he looks up to meet bloody orbs so full of despair, jealousy, pain, and anguish...and rage...a desire for blood.

'It was at that time. Yes, that was when it all began to change. When the world I thought I knew, became something new and confusing.'

"I wish you didn't exist! No, that's not good enough. I wish you'd burn in the same hell as I've lived in."

'Yes, that was the time when it changed. When my fate changed.'

A cold hand reaches forward, grasping the second child's throat firmly once more. "I'll take it all from you, I will! All of it, I'll do it! Your life! Your family! Your big brother! Your destiny! It'll all be mine."

'And all that was left was hell.'

"I can do it. All I need is your body."

'No, you wanted my life...and I was the fool who took pity on you.'

"You'll give it to me, right? You need to atone for your sins. You mistake, you were born to die, just be obedient and relinquish your body. In exchange I won't be mad anymore and I'll give you a gift." 'I'll send you straight to hell.'

The second child shook his head, tears flowing down his cheeks. He didn't understand any of this, he didn't, but also he did. His mind just couldn't fully comprehend it.

"You want your parents to be happy right? You want your big brother to love you right? If you listen to me I'll make them happy. Don't you feel sad when they cry after every doctor appointment? Just listen to me and I'll grant your wish." 'my wish.'

The second child wipes the tears off his cheeks. 'They'll be happy?' Thinking back to all the times he's made them cry, he comes to a decision. "Don't let them be sad." His voice is hoarse and hard to understand, but the first child smiles widely and nods. His scary eyes carry endless excitement and greed as he kneels in front of the lilac-eyed child. "All you have to do is let go."

'I never knew the price for happiness could be so high. If I could undo this, it would've happened regardless.'

Blood red eyes flash with a devilish smile as a cold hand softly caresses the child's neck.

'It was never meant to happen.'

A laugh bubbles out of the blood red eyed child as he leans forward and presses his forehead against the second child's own forehead. "It would've been more fun if you declined, but I suppose this is the easiest way. Don't worry, I'll send you to just the right place. The place where you belong."

'But there was no stopping the shattering of fate...and once shattered, it can never be repaired in quite the same way.'

"Happy nightmares." 

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