Lucryn: Day 41

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*Picture Above: The person Lucryn's thinking about throughout this chapter. Not telling you who ^_^

(Day 41)

Lucryn yawns, sitting in a tree high up, he observes his pokemon from above. He can sense Sandslash, his appointed guardian watching him, but he doesn't care. Ever since the incident in Ichov Woods, he hasn't run off or gotten himself in danger, instead he's thrown himself into training his pokemon and himself.

Plucking a leaf from the tree, he plays with it for a moment before letting it fall. The morning had consisted of playing around in the kitchen making pokefood with some success. Having made pokefood for all of his pokemon, he also left a bit of pokefood at his window for his little guest who has come to visit quite frequently lately. A hint of amusement flickers through him at how the small pokemon thinks he doesn't notice it.

Cye: Aahhh! No, I don't wanna, help!!!

Lucryn's brows furrow as he glances over at Cye and Omni. 'This little one...'

Lucryn: You're training together, he won't kill you.

Cye: Wahhh!!!!

Lucryn buries his head in his hands, trying not to let his irritation be felt. This little crybaby really can't do anything other than cry. The little one was rather obedient the first few days, training without asking questions, just shedding silent tears, but he doesn't know what's gotten into the little one. Ever since he started doing battle training with the little one, the little one wouldn't stop crying.

Lucryn: I told you. You are mine. I will protect you.

Cye hiccups, looking up from the forest floor to gaze at the youth hidden in shadows.

Cye: You'll protect me?

Lucryn: I will

Cye: The little devil will protect me?

Lucryn sighs, Cye probably didn't mean to let him hear that thought. Cye's eyes start to shine, as if suddenly realizing something. These past few days had been miserable trying not to upset the devil, but the little devil made such wonderful food and promised to protect him, so maybe it's not so bad... 'If the little devil protects me...then won't I be able to do whatever I want?'

Cye: I won't be scared anymore, the little devil is my backer now!

Lucryn rubs his forehead, 'this little one has no filter.'

As if given a boost of confidence, Cye uses Magical Leaf, throwing a leaf like blade at Omni. Omni easily dodges and punches Cye, sending Cye rolling back. Cye immediately begins crying.

Cye: Liar! You didn't protect me! Wah!!!

Azrael: I'll hit you if you don't be quiet! I'm trying to focus!

Cye immediately goes quiet, looking over at Azrael's angry eyes. Trembling, Cye holds back his tears, inwardly crying. 'Why are all the pokemon around the little devil so scary?!'

Lucryn's eyes go wide as a hand wraps around his slender neck. "How beautiful you are." White hair falls into his vision, those ocean blue eyes didn't seem to hold any threat, but Lucryn felt his heart stop. 'No, don't...don't touch me!'

Lucryn tries to control himself, to stay centered in reality, but those cold fingers are around his neck, those eyes are watching him, seeming to see right through him. His body starts to tremble, eyes closing as his breath catches, coming and going in small gasps.

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