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but farewell hogwarts :D


Elize woke up early the next morning, seeing a ball of ginger hair next to her, and an arm covered with freckles across her lower abdomen. She softly smiled and climbed out of the bed, pausing mid walk to Fred's dresser.

Today was the day they leave Hogwarts. Even though she hadn't been at Hogwarts for long, she had grown attached to it. She sighed, walking to Fred's dresser and grabbing her uniform. Today was the day fifth years took their O.W.L.s, so when Elize walked down the steps, she saw the common room was filled with fifth years trying to consume some last minute studying.

"Hermione," she said, nudging the girls shoulder. "Hermione."

The girl jumped a little, but quickly turned around, relaxing when she saw Elize.


"Want me to bring you some food?"

"Sure. That would be great," Hermione smiled.

"OK. I'll bring up some for Harry and Ron," Elize replied, walking out of the room and greeting the portrait.

As she walked to the Great Hall, she silently scowled as she saw the pink toad sitting in the Headmasters seat, smiling wickedly down upon everyone. She greeted Professor McGonagall and grabbed a silver tray, putting 7 plates on it. One for her, one for Hermione and the boys, and one for the twins and Lee. She quickly walked out of the Great Hall, passing Filch and his cat, Mrs. Norris.

She made her way back to Gryffindor Tower, giving a plate to Hermione, one to Ron, and one to Harry. She then made it up to the boys dormitory, and walked in to see George and Fred awake, trying to get Lee to wake up. She walked up behind them and grabbed a piece of bacon from a plate, waving it in front of Lee's nose.

Lee immediately got up, and she gave the three plates to her friends, then sat on the floor and ate her plate.

"So you guys are leaving today?" Lee asked.

"Yeah," George sighed.

"You, Liz, Katie, Angelina, and Alicia will make it through. Just be careful to not get caught," Elize smiled, and Lee laughed.

"What time?" Lee asked, smiling a little at Elize's comment.

Fred and George looked at the Delacour girl, and she shrugged. "I can ask Hermione when they're doing their Defense Against the Dark Arts written exam."

"Do you have the fireworks ready?" She asked the three, and Lee nodded, reaching under his bed to pull out two boxes full of their fireworks.

"Wow," Elize said as Lee opened up the box.

"It's our whole stash," Fred admitted.

"It's fine. It'll be worth it," Elize said, smiling at the fireworks as she put the dirty plates on the tray once more. "Let me ask when the exam is."

Elize walked out of the room and down to the common room, where Hermione was still sitting, and she walked over to the three Gryffindors.

"Hey," she announced, making them all look up. "When's your Defense Against the Dark Arts written exam?"

"Mm," Hermione thought, "noon."

Elize nodded, flashing a smile, and walked back up to the boys dormitory.

"Noon," she answered.


At 11 o'clock, the three were talking as they walked through the corridors, and they passed by a group of fifth years outside of the Great Hall, DADA books propped open, their quills moving a mile a minute.

"So we'll get our brooms, throw the fireworks, then fly out?" Elize asked, recounting the steps in a blunt way.


Elize smiled at passersby. Her smile went unnoticed to Hermione, who head her nose buried in a book, many papers laid by her side, and she was scribbling furiously, her hair protruding with stress each word.

"Poor fifth years," Elize said, "I'm thankful I've never had to worry about tests."

"You never had one at Beauxbatons?" Fred asked.

"Well, no. We take our first test in our sixth years, then one in our seventh years. Considering I was at Hogwarts for my sixth year, I didn't take it. And since I'm leaving before N.E.W.T.s, I don't have to take this one."

"Lucky bitch," George smiled.

They continued to stroll the corridors, until Elize checked the time.

"11:56. We should go get ready."

Elize, Fred, and George all quickly ran towards where Lee was stationed, the first set of fireworks prepared. There more stations around the corridors that would fly into the Great Hall as they would fly into the exam taking room.

"Ready Lee?" Fred and George asked as Elize accioed their brooms over.

"Three, two, one!" Lee said, and the fireworks went off, along with the others. They quickly hopped onto their brooms and flew down the corridor in the direction of the Great Hall.

"Didn't know you were such a great flyer!" Fred said as the three raced to the Great Hall as Filch, the caretaker, took notice of the explosions.

"I played chaser for my Quidditch team!" Elize smiled and the doors of the Great flew open, and as soon as they entered millions of colorful sparks went off, and the three threw down more fireworks, causing papers to go everywhere, and the kids taking exams smiling up at the three. They threw their final firework as the ones that wrote out bad words in the air slowly fell to the ground, that turned into a fiery dragon that chased Umbridge.

They shouted out to the fifth years where the Joke Shop was located, then flew out of the Great Hall, the kids rushing after.

"Give her hell from us Peeves!" Elize shouted with the twins, and Peeves saluted, cackling gleefully as they flew up and away from Hogwarts, the three teens laughing jubilantly after causing pandemonium at the ancient castle.

"Did you throw the swamp down?" Elize asked as they slowed their flying, nearing Diagon Alley at a rapid pace.

"Yup!" Fred said, smiling brightly at Elize, and the Delacour girl returned it. She then thought about Liz, Angelina, Alicia, and Lee, and then the golden trio. She felt a wave of guilt and sadness wash over her, but she promised herself to send letters to the 7 continuously.

wow. they are out of Hogwarts. wow


guyssssss - today, on the bus, we were talking and what not, and then one of my other friends gave him three candies, and he took one for himself, gave one to his best friend, who's also my friend and a year younger than us, AND THEN GAVE ONE TO ME! HE NEVER DOES THAT. is this a sign? :O no im just kidding. 

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