Chapter 32 - Failure

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Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. One second we were making our way down a corridor and the next the Caldum were facing off with us.

"I see you brought up at least a few of the whelps," Locknir growled.

"No thanks to either of you!" I snapped, refusing to make eye contact with Drago the betrayer. "You killed four of them! The Troinek and Gelvonians know everything now, so your stupid plan won't work!"

"HOOK!" Hielo yelled, slamming his claws on the ground for emphasis.

"It was such a waste, too," Louie taunted Locknir. "We would have been the power couple, you know? Legendary. With my skills and your men, we could have been rich, owned planets, everything."

"Why share it when I can have it all for myself?" he countered, cracking his huge neck. "You would have been useful though, I agree on that. Once I grew tired of your cunt, I would have gotten rich off your bodies, one batch of Rothulings at a time."

"How small-minded," she purred. "But that's what they say...all brawn and no brain."

Locknir shook his head and all light left his eyes. The discussion was over and we were going to die.

"Wait," Drago hissed, grasping Locknir's arm as he lunged forward. "We need them alive."

"For a little bit," he growled, unblinking. "You will wish you had never crossed me, bitch."

"That's Empress Bitch to you," Louie snarled back. "Come get some!"

I had no idea where Louie found or stole the gun from, but I prayed her shot stopped Locknir in his tracks. Instead, the beast bounced the projectile from his body as the shot impacted and then ricocheted from his chest. The sounds of growls and snarls filled my ears, as the wall of Caldum suddenly lunged into action.

Louie turned to face me, and I saw it then. In the short amount of time we had been together I had come to rely on this woman like I needed air to breathe. If Locknir got his hands on her, I would lose her. He was going to kill her, and she knew it.

"No!" I screamed when he reached forward and grabbed her waist.

Hielo had tried to put himself between her and her attacker, but she hefted him in my direction like he weighed nothing. Hielo turned mid flight and shot out vines to keep from crashing into me and the other Rothulings.

Suddenly, Louie was tossed through the air like a sack of rallo roots. I grabbed the Rothulings, trying to step back from the fray. Louie could protect herself, but these babies needed us to protect them.

Her body slammed into four Caldum and then all five of them went down. I assumed she had done something to immobilize the group, and it absolutely infuriated Locknir even more. Gasping for breath, he grabbed her again.

Before I could react and run to help her, three more Caldum bounded around my friend and their deranged leader.

"Run, Xoxo!" Louie grunted, as Locknir grabbed her and slammed her into the ground again.

"Nooo!" I yelled back, trying to throw myself at the savage's back. I hadn't taken two steps when two arms wrapped around my body pulled me back from the fighting.

Hielo and Soficar had charged at two of the Caldum between Louie and I, the excruciating sound of screaming filled my ears. The younglings were savage as they attacked with teeth and talons, chewing into the tough skin like it was nothing.

"Stop fighting me, please. I am begging you. I would never hurt you. Please, mate," the man holding me whispered urgently in my ear.

My eyes widened in realization. Drago was the man holding me back while his boss brutalized my only friend.

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