Chapter 23 - Painful Plans

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I trundled behind Louie as she led the way through the tunnels. I couldn't stop sniffling, seeing the four little sloth babies that would never be. I let out a staggered breath and did my best to keep my thoughts positive. There were still six little pods on my arm and I needed to keep them safe. This was the Caldums' fault. If they hadn't chased us out in the sandstorm...

"They should pay for what they've done," I grumbled as we walked.

"What?" Louie asked, looking at me over her shoulder.

"The Caldum. They should pay for them," I stated more deliberately, feeling that those words were absolutely true in my heart. "They would still be here, if it weren't for the Caldum. The Rothulians are down four because of them. They should pay."

Louie stopped walking and turned around to face me. "Don't worry about that. They'll get what's coming to them. Trust me," she said, grabbing my hand and pulling me along beside her.

"Where is this?" I asked, finally taking in the rough cut shape of the tunnels we were walking through. I realized she had already explained this, but I couldn't remember what was said.

"I think these were smugglers' tunnels before the Caldum. They weren't listed on any of the maps I acquired, so we are off the grid," she explained.

"Does that mean trapped?" I asked, looking around more seriously at the dirt walls.

Louie chuckled. "No, sweet cheeks. Where I come from, it just means you are not on a map. Think of it like uncharted territory."

I nodded. I had heard of an area called the uncharted region. It was rumored to be one of the deadliest, most treacherous places to exist. Knowing that Louie had grown up in such an environment made so much more sense now. My respect for my partner in crime only grew. She was certainly formidable.

"What was it like?" I asked, hoping to hear more about her life.

"What was what like?" She asked back.

"Living off the grid."

Louie side eyed me and then began chuckling again. "What wires have you crossed?"

I scrunched my brows back at her. "I didn't cross any wires! I'm very good with electrical things."

This only made her laugh harder. She continued laughing for several minutes as we walked, unable to answer my questions further. Maybe it was a happy place, and she was overwhelmed with fond memories. Her laughter soothed the ache in my heart.

"I didn't grow up off the grid, Xoxo. Well, not entirely. You have a mother who loved and protected you. I did not. You were taught that you were cursed, I was treated like one growing up. It's why I left," she explained.

"I'm glad you're here, Louie."

"Well, I would say the same, but I would prefer to not be trapped in these tunnels."

"What? I meant here with me, Louie!" I explained, not understanding how she could misunderstand.

Louie smacked my ass as we walked. "I know what you meant. I'm glad to have you as my partner as well. You've definitely livened up my days," she whispered, bumping her shoulder into mine.

"Now, we need to pick up the pace, or we are going to have unwelcomed company before we are ready for our little party," she explained, pulling me to walk at a quicker pace beside her again.

"Are we going to set up an ambush?" I asked, feeling a bit of joy bubbling up at the thought of punishing the Caldum for my lost Rothulings.

"Something like that," Louie chuckled.

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