Chapter 18 - Knocked Up

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I hurt all over my body. I couldn't remember anything after the Reyza. Looking at my mangled arm filled with frelling spores from Kek, and covered in blood, I was having serious doubts about this entire arrangement.

What the hell had I agreed to? Retrieving Robah crystals in exchange for my freedom. Now I was pregnant with plant babies, and who knew what else had been done to me.

"What do you mean by leverage?" I squeaked at Louie. Looking up from my expecting arm, I actually got a good look at her.

She was painted in red and green, from head to toe. Her hair was caked in dried blood and who knew what other fluids, as she continued searching the room for whatever the hell she was looking for. Louie paused for a moment in her search and came to squat in front of me still seated in shock on a sofa.

"Xoxo, I need you to listen. Okay?" She said sweetly, brushing my equally blood matted hair out of my face. "I have no idea where the fuck we are, but the Robah crystals are nearby. We need to find them and get the fuck out of here, like yesterday. You will be safe, because of those precious little babies in your arm. But if they grab me, I'll probably end up getting fucked to death. And that's if Nafain doesn't kill me for fucking up this whole mission. So get your shit together, and help me find the fucking crystals so we can retire and live how we want!"

How could she look so sweet and caring while saying such horrible things? I shook my head, still feeling the effects of everything that had been put in my body. A thousand thoughts swarmed through me, overwhelming my emotional state. I missed my mom, but I would never think to involve her in any of this drin.

"Okay," I nodded. "Okay. Where do you want me to look?" I asked, looking around the massive bedroom. "Wait. Where are we?"

Louie's expression almost relaxed. "Start moving and we can talk as we go," she said, standing and pulling me up from the sofa.

She moved to search behind a few paintings while I moved to search a couple pieces of furniture. "I'm searching. Where the frell are we, Louie?"

"I think we may be in Locknir's suite," she muttered as she moved on to search another wall. We searched the entire room in less than ten minutes, looking behind every picture, painting and drawer. We even flipped the bed up, but came up empty. Her tattoos couldn't find what we were looking for, but they were close.

I started eyeing the three doors in the room. One would be the exit, one possibly a closet of secrets, and I really hoped the third was a bathroom. I really wanted to shower the blood off of me. "We've checked everything but those three doors. Which one should we check first?"

Louie assessed the three doors the same as me, and pointed to the one nearest to her. I moved to the door opposite and we tried to open them at the same time. "Locked," she muttered.

My chosen door opened revealing a sprawling bath. "Can we get cleaned up?" I whispered longingly.

Louie was suddenly behind me and peeking over my shoulder. "Good idea! Start the water, we can use that as an excuse if they come in before we find a way out!"

I whipped around to look at her. "What are you on about?"

"Xoxo, we are covered in blood and who knows what else. I mean you are covered in Kek babies. We have just touched everything in this room. Grab something we can throw on and then we can use cleaning up as an excuse."

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Think on your feet like that? How do you make plans, second plans, and third plans so quickly? I'm still stuck on, my arm is pregnant," I admitted feebly, as Louie ran over to a cabinet and pulled out two shirts big enough to cover us.

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