Chapter 30 - Chics Dig Scars

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The little Rothulings ate nearly everything on the trays. My heart melted a little when they slowed down to pass me some of the meat, vegetables and fruits. Unlike before, they didn't crash as soon as they had eaten their fill. Instead they threw themselves back on the bed and chittered between themselves, making me giggle as I ate.

Finished I crawled onto the bed to sit with them.

"Okay, little ones. It's time to start getting your names straight. Are you ready?"

Several hiccing noises exchanged between them and they sat in a row before me, watching me intently.

"When I was a little one on Olnarus, my mother told me the stories of seven gods who became the moons around our planet. Among them were Aeolis, Hielo, Setvarion, Soficar, Ukyria, and Yiltor," I started.

Seeing the rapt attention, I told them the same stories I had heard as a child. Their eyes widened and small chitters would pass between them during tense moments of the stories. When I had finished, they were so quiet I began to wonder if they even understood the stories at all.

"Do you like these names, little ones?" I asked.

The Rothulings looked at each other and chattered back before climbing over one another and wrestling for a few minutes. Finally, they settled back down and stared up at me. My big guy, if I could even call him that, had placed himself in the middle and pointed to the others. It took me a second to realize they were trying to pick their names.

"Aeolis?" I asked, unsure if I was overthinking things. They were only a few days old, but I didn't know enough about Rothuling intelligence and development to say for certain how developed they were.

The first little Rothuling in the line jumped up, "HIC!"

The smile that broke across my face was immediate.

"Hielo," I called, this time looking at the second little fellow. It patted its chest with a similar hic sound to his brother.

Soficar was next. His voice came out as a deep growl in response, causing my eyebrows to jump up as I laughed at his response. Next were Setvarion, Ukyria, and Yiltor. In the time that Louie had been gone, they had all doubled in size again. They now stood nearly half a meter tall each, and looked more like the adolescent version of Kek. Listening to them chatter back and forth, I could hear the differences in their voices, and committed it to memory.

The peaceful play was interrupted when my bracer lit up.

"Captain?" Tyrfeng called.

"Yes, Tyrfeng?" I responded.

"The time table has adjusted," it informed me.

"What does that mean? Do we need to wait longer?"

"Tyrfeng will reach the Troinek vessel in three hours."

Shit. That was soon.

"Okay. What is the situation?"

"Currently on intercept course with Troinek imperial vessel. Two vessels from the Rothulian home world have appeared on my radar, seeming to be on a similar intercept course. The Caldum have likewise dispatched a small fleet of fighter ships on an intercept course-"

"What?!?" I shrieked, looking panicked at my Rothulings. Were the Rothulians coming to take them away? "What about Nafain's ship?"

"The Gelvonian vessel has moved in to intercept the Caldum."

My mind reeling with possible outcomes and scenarios, I nearly came out of my skin when the door to the room opened suddenly.

The Rothulings jumped into a defensive ring around me on the bed, seeming like they were prepared to fight.

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