Chapter 6 -Supernova and Beyond

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I woke up feeling like my body had been put through a proper ringer. Everything ached when I tried to move, like I was being held down by excess gravity. My throat was hoarse and I felt like I could drink the whole of Laterra Lake in one go.

I don't know when I fell asleep, passed out.. I couldn't tell you if it was my tenth or fifteenth orgasm that did me in. Then again, after the first supernova, I don't think my body ever really came down from any one orgasm. It was like he just kept me going on a high that should be illegal. I now understood why the first times were always free. I would almost trade my ship to experience that again.

I could feel my face heating up just thinking about the way he kept repositioning my body... And those tentacles. How could anyone mistake that for a drug or a drink?

"How can you be awake? I'm still exhausted," my guide mumbled against my neck and pulled me against his body so that my backside pressed against his front.

I could feel the tentacles on his abdomen caressing my bottom, side and back. I couldn't help but giggle at the tickling sensation. "Stop tickling me. What time is it?" I croaked out. The shades were drawn so tight I had no idea what time it was.

"Better question is what day it is," he mumbled, chuckling.

What day is it? Wasn't it just one long, incredibly fucking mind blowing, night?

He must have felt my body stiffen because he turned me to face him. "I lost track of time after the third round, to be honest," he whispered, tucking a pink lock behind my ear.

"You were at it for days?!?" I squeaked, shocked that I had no idea that this was a possibility.

He must have enjoyed my disbelief, because he began laughing. "I wouldn't say that I was alone in this. You kept screaming for more. Who am I to turn away such a willing partner?"

I studied his face, not sure what to say. His eyes were the deepest brown I had ever seen. He was not what I would have classified as galactically handsome, but he was sweet on the eyes. "Is this normal?" I asked, watching him study me with a look I couldn't quite place. Then again my experience with any male species amounted to one, the man who was studying me.

"What do you mean by normal?" he asked, squinting his eyes a bit.

"This. Days in an orgasmic state. Waking with a guide looking like he wants to go again," I mumbled, feeling so insecure for some reason.

"Honestly, I wouldn't know. I've never had someone accept me before," he whispered.

Goosebumps broke out down my arms from his breath tickling my skin and he chuckled. "Truly, I am not sure. I just thought I would treat you well," he murmured.

"You've never done this before?" I asked, as my eyebrows shot up.

He began laughing and fell back on the bed again, staring at the ceiling. "If you are asking if I have had sex before? Yes, I am the more experienced of the two of us. I've just never had a sober partner," he whispered at the end..

This time I sat up, causing the sheets to pool around my waist. "What? What does that mean?" I asked.

"I told you before we started, most people can't accept my kind. They choose to take a drink to numb the mind a bit, believing that the drink has the magic that makes the sex so mind blowing. I've never had anyone ask to see me. Before you, anyway."

Shit. I was not expecting that answer.

"That's horrible," I whispered. "Why would you put yourself through that?" I asked, uncertain if I could do this over and over while hiding who I was. The irony was not lost on me that I was hiding who I was from him the entire time.

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