Chapter 13 - Distraction

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We wandered through the port areas, laughing and drawing as much attention to ourselves as possible. It was a different experience for me, as I had always avoided drawing unnecessary attention before this mess started. Louie found a bath house offering a full service package, and insisted that we go there first.

I balked at the price of the service she had selected, but she laughed and reminded me that we weren't the one paying. I couldn't help laughing with her as I imagined golden god Nafain losing his shit as we racked up more and more charges against his accounts.

"In for the penny, in for the pound," Louie giggled, as two workers guided her into the hot baths. I was following behind her as two servants began stripping my suit off of my body. I blinked and Louie was completely naked stepping into the steaming purple liquid of the baths.

Finally stripped, I stepped into my own bath and sighed at the feel of the fluid on my skin. The servant behind me was quick to pour cleaning balm on my hair, and began to work the last of the stasis gunk from my locks. I looked over to see five servants scrubbing Louie from top to toe. One washed her hair, two scrubbed her skin, and the final two worked on her finger and toe nails.

"Nanites?" I asked, watching the purple water swirl around my body.

"Nite? Breknits," a servant corrected.

I sat for a moment trying to remember the translation for breknits... Watching the purple swirling cloud move around my body, I remembered. Breknits were the name of a microorganism that moved in shoals, eating dead skin cells or dirt from alchorid suspension fluids. A giggle escaped my lips as they moved over my abdomen. Louie looked over with a questioning look. "Breknits," I responded. She nodded and went back to enjoying her treatment.

Cleaned up and feeling refreshed, Louie picked out a form-fitting dress that bunched in all the right places, before trailing down to my ankles. The color was a deeper blue that made my hair look really bright and vibrant, whereas the color of hers made her eyes look electric. I had never seen myself look quite this sexy.

"Where to first?" I asked, once we were both dressed up and Nafain's credits were left for the bill.

"Let's just go have some fun and see what ...pops up," Louie stated, making a lewd gesture with her fingers and hips that had several servants blushing as we exited the bath house.

We strutted through the bazaars, seemingly drunk until I spotted a Caldum fellow who looked a bit like the Greystone fellow from the briefing. As he stepped into a transport tube Louie and I ran to join him, stepping in beside him just as the doors were about to close. "I think she messed up the sizing on my dress," I whined quietly.

Louie stepped back, leaning against the Caldum fellow to gaze at me appreciatively. "I think you're right. It's obviously too loose," she agreed.

The Caldum fellow grunted appreciatively. "Are you looking for a companion for the night?"

I chuckled and bit my lip. "Yes, but one night? Isn't that just foreplay?" I asked, looking him over appreciatively. He choked on his drool and made a show of smelling the air. I was thinking of the mind blowing six days I spent with a Chonchon... One night would never be enough to curl my toes.

Louie moved to stand next to me again, leaning her head on my shoulder as her arm wrapped around my waist. "I thought the Gelvonian would break me... You know, as advertised... I walked away the next day without even a limp," she admitted, before looking up at me like she would cry. "Zho-zho, are we asking for too much?"

I shook my head. "No. Maybe?" I questioned back, sighing sadly.

Louie gave my side a little pinch to indicate that our lure was working wonders. Thinking about Ger'an had me wet and wanting. I could only imagine what a Gelvonian did with that tail. The Caldum began making a rattling noise in his throat as the tube finally reached its destination. My companion looked into the room of males and grinned like a predator dropped into a barrel of prey.

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