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Dear Reader,

My time is finally ending. Don't worry, I am not suicidal nor do I have any ideations of harming myself. Quite the contrary. I hope to experience twenty years worth of joy, laughter, love, and euphoric pleasure in the time I have remaining in this life.

What do you know about living a doomed existence? My name is Xoxo, pronounced Jojo. I never should have been born, according to every healer my mother has dragged me to. I am an anomaly in the grand wheel of life, death, and rebirth, and the powers that be are really keen to set things right.

The night that I was born, the stars were filled with ill fated omens. In all of Garan, I was the only child born under the black moon. Can you imagine? A planet with millions and millions of people, and only one child born on such an inauspicious day.

I used to be angry, but now I have decided to just embrace-


"XOXO! I swear to the SEVEN moons, if you don't get your ass down here in the next two beats, I will tan your hide!" my mother's voice broke through my revelry.

I looked at the time dial, cursing. "SHIT! I am so late!"

I slammed my diary shut, threw it into my bag, grabbed a band from my desk, and pulled my long as hell pink hair into a messy, piled bun on the top of my head. Running out of my room with my bag on my back, I made it through the kitchen in time for mum to throw me a quick hug and a meal container to go.

"Don't forget to turn in all of your books today," she reminded me.

"I know, mum. Last day of school is kind of hard to forget," I chuckled.

Her breath hitched. It was yet another reminder that I lived on borrowed time. If she could continue to keep me home every day, under her watchful eyes, she would do it. She would lock me in my room and bleed every second of time possible with me.

I don't want to live like that any more, and I don't want to die a prisoner in my own home. We fought for a week, but she finally agreed to let me really live in the time that I have left.

Whether it's six months, two weeks or another year. It's my time to finally live for myself.

"I'll be here when you get back-" she started.

"I know! I am just going to disenroll, turn in my books, clean out my locker, and then meet you for lunch!" I finished for her.

She shook her head and sighed as I gave her a quick hug and then ran out the door.


"Hey, Xoxo! I thought you were done with this shit?" My best friend of five years smiled when she saw me at my locker.

I couldn't help but laugh. "You didn't see me here!"

"No, really. What are you doing at school?!" Mireen asked, looking hopeful.

I shook my head. "I'm here to clean out my locker, return the books I don't forking need, and then...." I let my voice trail a bit as I pretended to check a list. "Oh yeah, then never come back!" I cheered.

"You're really going through with that drin?" She asked, eyebrows arched high.

I pretended to be pensive for a moment, "Ummm. Yeah. I think, all drin considered, I am done with all of this." I smiled widely.

Her expression changed immediately, looking every bit as condescending as everyone else I had met in this hell called my life.. "You're an idiot."

"And you're late.... But you have fun with all that!" I cheered again, patting her on the back as I walked away. I was going to see a Gorgan about a shuttle craft.

** Chapter one is posted here:

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