Chapter 12 - Partners

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After what felt like an eternity crying and pleading, I finally submitted to whatever end this hot asshole had in store. He sat there for another five minutes before leading me into a small holding room on Tyrfing. I had to admit, I really needed to get a better idea of just how big my own ship was.

Scratch that. It wasn't my ship. After everything I had saved, this wasn't even my ship! Fracking Gorgons! I felt myself getting angrier and angrier just thinking about it. I stumbled into the room and saw another woman. I had no idea what species she was, but she was staring intently at me with crystalline eyes. Her attention to me made me nervous.

She leaned back in her seat, grinning like she had just won a prize, and it made me all the more nervous. Did her kind eat people?

"What's up, babe?" she greeted me with a smile.

"Xoxo-...Excuse me, I meant Captain Xoxo of a stolen craft that needs to have its system recycled... meet alleged Captain Louie of a ship that has yet to be seen," the Gelvonian introduced us.

She was a Captain of a ship? Before I could get my thoughts straight, she was dropping her own clothes and showing her bare ass! I couldn't not look. How was her skin so flawless and pale? Other than the tattoo on her very plump bottom cheek, her skin appeared so perfect I wanted to know if it was as soft as it looked. I bit my cheek, trying not to giggle at the Gelvonian clenching his jaw. From the looks they were giving each other I wondered if there was a bit of history between them. He had probably entrapped her too.

I took the offered seat next to her as Captain Nafain, began his explanation of our mission. What the hell was I supposed to do? He wanted us to infiltrate an underground hideout and what? Fuck away the enemy?

"They prefer their females to be aggressive and blue is the color that is typically worn to signify mating interests," Captain Captor threw in at the end.

"Don't tell me, they have spiked dicks or something?" I mumbled, becoming increasingly less interested in the information he was spewing than in the creature next to me.

I looked over at the woman beside me several times. Her eyes were mesmerizing. I thought they were crystal clear blue, but now that I was closer I could see flecks of green and gold and brown in them. When she got excited her irises opened making the blue disappear in an orb of black. It was fascinating to watch.

Her hair was a soft brown with golden highlights that caught the light, and hung down her back in soft waves. I wanted to reach out and touch it to see if it felt like silk. I wasn't paying attention to anything the Gelvonian said at the end, when she turned to me suddenly I looked down at the floor. I heard the door close, and then it was quiet.

"Well?" She asked. "What are you good for?"

I looked up at her and nearly started crying. "I wasn't paying attention, to be honest," I admitted.

She looked like I had just slapped her. Her skin flushed a beautiful shade of pink. I couldn't stop staring at her beauty.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She asked, no longer smiling.

"I-I-I just woke up in a stasis pod!" I rasped, suddenly feeling like I wanted to die sooner than later. "F-found out my ship was s-stolen, and the Gorgon that s-sold it to me is dead! The asshole who just left is blackmailing me to help him, and your eyes are turning black. Is that normal?" I asked, leaning forward to get a better look.

The center of her eyes were suddenly closing like an evening flower on Olnari. I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. It was quite distracting watching the green color dominate the blue and gold as the black disappeared into a small pinpoint.

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