Chapter 4 - Chonchon to infinity

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The Indigo Market was a mix of open stalls and small shops. Those closest to the docking ports carried high trade items like sundries, soaps and mechanical parts or services. The second layer of the markets opened up to various produce, meats, and other miscellaneous edibles. The third layer was where things got interesting. This was known as the pink district of the market. Any manner of debauchery could be ordered, performed, or delivered for the right price.

I knew I didn't have enough money to afford the pink establishments, so I continued into the innermost district of the market. Could I get what I wanted from one of the outer stalls or shops? Yes. Would it be good quality? Debatable. My research said I would have better luck going to a witch than trying to barter with a stall owner.

"Pretty girl! What are you looking for?" A young man with light purple skin and green spots up his arms called out to me.

I looked at what he was selling, debating how bold to be in this moment. I decided to bite the bullet and embrace a chaotic path. "Chonchon. Who has the best in the market?" I asked him, flipping my hair behind my shoulders like I had seen the popular girls do.

The man chuckled, eyeing my figure. "Depends what you want after the Chonchon."

I smiled back at him. "Nothing is off the table."

His smile froze for a second as he studied me. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

I never broke my smile. "I am looking for Chonchon. Can you point me in the right direction, or do I need to find another guide." I was praying I hadn't forked up the secret wording or mixed up the codes. I was rewarded with a mischievous smile and a chuckle.

"First time is always on the house. May I?" he asked, tentatively closing up his shop.

He was easy on the eyes. He wasn't a two meter tall Gelvonian hunk, but I could do worse given all of the available options I had seen so far. I smiled and agreed, taking his offered hand and following him through the maze of side streets and secret paths. "Have you eaten yet?" he asked as we approached a large iron door tucked away in a hidden alley.

"No. Should I have?" I asked, suddenly doubting the information I had received from eavesdropping on my classmates over the last two solar years.

He shook his head. "No. It's better that you haven't. It'll make this more enjoyable for you." He grinned at me and winked. He passed his arm in front of the door and it opened to reveal a second door inside of a receiving room. I watched everything with a close eye, unmissed by him; my curiosity compelling him to explain each thing to me. "Embedded chips are given to guides approved by the guild. You will be given the option to choose me as your guide or select another from the entertainers. If you have questions about any of the entertainers, I can answer them for you."

I was getting impatient and anxious. "Skip that step, I have a guide," I said, smiling.

He smiled back and knocked on the door. A small window opened and an orb floated out and scanned us. "Service?" a woman asked.

My guide looked at me and nodded. "Guided tour, please." I requested as haughtily as I could.

The orb flew back through the window and a second door opened from a hidden panel in the wall. My guide started forward and I paused. He turned to look at me and tipped his head in question. It made me giggle.

"Do I get to know your name before or should I just call you, Guide?" I whispered.

His brown eyes disappeared as his pupils dilated in...excitement? Lust? "From now until our transaction is complete you can call me whatever you want. I will be your slave, your servant, your sex toy. Your Master. I am whatever you need me to be."

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