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'It is because.' Shannon started. She didn't want to tell but Alen clearly was much more sensible in understanding- compared to others. There was no lie she could make up in front of him. He would understand it in seconds.

'Because I have asked him not to say it.'

'Now, that is clearly not a lie.' Alen said, looking a bit satisfied.

'Listen, you can't tell this to Ron or anyone. But something big is going on, which we can't tell. If you trust your friend Arjun's decision. Then you will understand, there may be a good reason why he is not agreeing to spill the beans.'

Alen at first looked upset that Shannon was not willing to spill it out. But he smiled and spoke. 'Okay, I trust Arjun. At least you accepted something is going on. I won't say about this to Ron or anyone but you should give me an answer in a few days' time.'

Shannon knew this was only going to avert him from questioning her for a few days. But the report of the portal was supposed to come any minute. So, she agreed. 'Okay, it is a deal.'

Shannon was worried that she did the right thing by telling Alen, there was an issue stirring up. He was much more sensible in understanding matters than others at the moment. But was it the right thing to do? These questions were daunting to her when she opened the door of her apartment.

Exactly like the previous day the room was very silent. Jinni was reading a fashion magazine while Flare was reading a newspaper. Ignoring them, Shannon searched her bag for the key. Due to the turn of events. Shannon was not confident in leaving her room open.

She saw Farrah and Rachel whispering to each other. She opened her room and was about to enter her room when Rachel said in a loud voice. 'Enough. I and Farrah have remained silent till now. But not anymore.'

Shannon didn't mind and she entered her room and was about to close the door when Rachel said to Shannon. 'Shannon, this is not a request.'

Shannon stepped out of her room and spoke. 'Okay.'

'What okay.' Farrah yelled. 'What are you three fighting for.'

'Ask your roommate over here.' Jinni said.

'Ask that roommate.' Shannon shot back.

'I didn't know you both changed your name to 'roommate'.' Rachel said in a rude voice.

'And is it roommate one and two?' Farrah added. 'Don't look at me. Because you all are putting up an excellent drama show, here .'

'Then what should I call her.' Jinni asked.

'By her name.' Rachel replied.

'Farrah isn't Jinni here creating a drama. Acting like she was reading a book when I walked in.' Shannon said.

'Who told you I was not reading a book.' Jinni said crossly.

'I didn't know you had a sudden interest in a fashion magazine. And Flare when did you start reading a newspaper.' Jinni threw the magazine onto the sofa. While Flare folded the newspaper.

'Stop it.' Rachel said. 'What do you get by doing all of this.'

'Neither of you is right.' Farrah said. 'Jinni, Flare what Shannon does is her wish and it is her life. And Shannon, why can't you explain why you're suddenly interested in dark arts.'

'Which side are you on.' Flare questioned.

'None of yours.' Rachel answered. 'I do not understand what is going on in here. First, you three had a row. Then arjun, Ron and Alen. How is all of this connected with this problem.'

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