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'What is my destiny, mam'

'That is a question, you should yourself find the answer. Because .'

All of sudden the window that was to Shannon's right-side blast open. And a gentle breeze brushed her face. But then again, Arjun's face popped into her mind. It was like the winds carried the message for her.

'Shannon,' Mrs Winson called. 'Head back to your apartment. Your friends will get worried otherwise.'

'Yes, mam, and thank you.'

Shannon was heading back to her room when through the windows in the corridor she saw a figure sitting in the ramp in front of the pond in the outer courtyard. As she observed the figure carefully, she recognized it was Arjun. 'Is he an idiot? Those Light catchers will shoot him. If they spot him.'

That's when she realized that none of those Dark hooded figures were patrolling the grounds. Surprisingly, No one was there on the ground. Shannon immediately ran towards Arjun. 'Excuse me, mister, what are you doing here at this late hour.'

Arjun glanced over his shoulders. 'Oh, it's you.'

'I asked you something.' Reminded Shannon.

'Nothing pretty much.' He replied gloomily, even the darkness failed to hide his face's emotion.

'Arjun, I know there is something wrong. Especially after the clock stroked one.'

'I told you-

'You know my secret- the ring. So, I think I have a deal here.'

'You will never leave pulling my leg.' Shreds of sky blew with the wind, and the water in the river was colorless.

'No, I won't.' Shannon said sarcastically, she settled down on the ramp. 'And I won't be leaving soon. Unless and until you tell me everything in detail and no Ron is going to come and save you. So, the more you delay, the more you will get scolded by Ron.'

Arjun let out a sigh in frustration and with his jaws clenched he started. 'Years ago, this day at sharp one clock. I, my brother and my parents were celebrating Melvin's birthday. It was a surprise party. I was two years old, so I don't remember anything about that day. After the cake cutting, when Melvin gave the first slice to my parents. They fall, unconscious. It was such a sleep that they went into. That they never came back.

I am sure they knew it was their last day. But they never told Melvin anything. But yes, before their death they had made all the preparations for our future.

No one other than an orphan can tell the pain of living without your parents. You may find it uncanny, but I never had an easy life. Especially, Melvin, my neighbor says that he was a very different person before my parent's death. The one who used to scream like anything on seeing a housefly. I don't know how that Melvin was or used to be. Because the Melvin I know today is very different.

From the day onwards -which I can remember, I have only seen him with wands, books, or anything related to his studies. I never have seen him even take a day off from his duty. He works even on Sundays and hates his birthdate.

The only time he even buys or comes near a cake is on my birthday. On his birthday he usually goes to dad and mom's cemetery.'

Shannon pushed back a stray curl behind her ear, her eyes glowed like fire. Arjun, never used to get offended easily by anything but the talk about his parents was the only thing he was very sensitive about. She could see the turmoil in his eyes, even though he was quiet.

'Anyways.' Arjun said turning cheerful. 'What are you doing here at this late hour.'

'I was going back to the hostel when I saw you from the window. So, I came here to-

'Question me' Arjun interrupted, Raking his hands through his hair.

Behind both of them, hiding with the help of the plants. A hooded figure was watching them, a songbird flew and sat on the shoulders of this mysterious figure. And the bird started to twitter.

'Yes birdie, destiny is obstinate it will not rest until it unties those fated to be together. This boy will take her to the next part of the story she is meant to complete.'

The bird chirped again and in response, 'You are right. We need to inform Dad and make sure that both of them are nowhere near discovering the truth.' The figure looked over her shoulder towards the songbird with a stern gaze. 'You know what is to been done. Report today's entire events to the dad. I will handle the situation here.' And the bird took off to the sky, spreading its wings for a long flight.

'Yeah, you can bet it.' Shannon replied to Arjun. 'At least you can figure out your parent's mystery. I am not able to do-

'Shannon, it'sbecause it's much better- that way. The lesser you know the better.' The air grew colder.

'And how can you say that? I have the right to know what my parents are hiding.' The air was turning flat and cold and the amber flecks in her irises shimmered.

'Shannon, I think let's end this topic for today.' He said with a hardened gaze, as he walked towards the hostel.

The salt air burned Shannon's eyes, the air was tight and cold. The waves rolled as Shannon looked at them immersed in the thoughts of how she was going to figure out the puzzle of her past.  

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